The Universe Is Not Vast Darkness, It's Vast Super Bright Light! LET THERE BE LIGHT!
Go to 0:03, outside world is full in super bright light 24/7! What we see in our blue screen dome above us is the lunar queen's plan which was shown in dark souls 3 to eliminate all light across the universe and bring on eternal darkness with some left over light here and there as embers/stars which is needed as without light there can be no life. In james bond die another day we have similar intel in the frozen palace under a dome scene where at the end from the outside it was getting hit by immense light the dome was doing a good job blocking that light like a dam blocks water and only allow a small portion of it to enter that gets distributed around though the sun mirror so there can be life here. But the moment like in cube movie we were were to exit this cave/earth we wouldnt find ourselves in cold darkness but in hot vast abundant light! Also diseases and cancer like fungus and vampires thrive and are most active under darkness and hate light. Last year my leukemia during the...