They Are Murdering Old People Left And Right And Is An Agenda Practiced From Ancient Times All Over The Earth! The Real Reason They Do This Exposed! UPDATE! Old People Get Also Matrix Neo Vision/See Things The Younger Generations Are Blind To! Another Reason The Elite Is Wiping Them Out! Bible Says In The Future No One Will Live Past The Age 33! Old People Wont Even Be Allowed To Exist!

Recently found out the covid-19 test is killing old people who's bodies cant handle whatever they put in them to test them.

In greece if you're over 60 years old and go to hospital for a knee pain you come out dead 3 hours later.
I know nurses here in usa who told me their doctors are killing elderly left and right with painkiller shots only young bodies can handle.

So i did some research on the killing of the elderly agenda and couldn't believe my eyes!

It's called Senicide and is practiced from ancient times all over earth! 

"Top doctor's chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year"

"Professor Patrick Pullicino said doctors had turned the use of a controversial 'death pathway' into the equivalent of euthanasia of the elderly"

"Professor Pullicino claimed that far too often elderly patients who could live longer are placed on the LCP and it had now become an ‘assisted death pathway rather than a care pathway’.

He cited ‘pressure on beds and difficulty with nursing confused or difficult-to-manage elderly patients’ as factors.

Professor Pullicino revealed he had personally intervened to take a patient off the LCP who went on to be successfully treated.

He said this showed that claims they had hours or days left are ‘palpably false’. 

In the example he revealed a 71-year-old who was admitted to hospital suffering from pneumonia and epilepsy was put on the LCP by a covering doctor on a weekend shift.

Professor Pullicino said he had returned to work after a weekend to find the patient unresponsive and his family upset because they had not agreed to place him on the LCP.

‘I removed the patient from the LCP despite significant resistance,’ he said.

‘His seizures came under control and four weeks later he was discharged home to his family,’ he said."

In greece they say the elderly are the main problem of the bad economy, implying and the reason they kill 'em left and right.

But money is never the problem as all countries are making crazy money through taxation that then they proceed to bury in secret funds to create scarcity like back in time where they were burying food and teachers at school were praising the presidents as genius for such actions.

Imagine in the future in schools they praise the current presidents for burying money and create massive scarcity and debt as a genius move for a healthy economy.(economists say countries and humans being in debt is good for the economy=numbers=digital=slavery!(all make sense when you see economy for what it truly is!))

"$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 per person - as much as the national debt!"

Bam so money was never the real problem, so why they are killing the old people then?
"Old kai from dbz said "for the young ones to live the old must die"
so apart from soul recycling reasons i noticed another important reason thanks to an old greek fairytale for kids.

That fairytale had a king that ordered all men to kill their old fathers saying how they are useless to society. All did it except one guy who hid his father in his basement instead of killing him.
Then the king presented a problem to his people that no one could solve except the guy that didnt kill his old man father. Then the king told him "you are hiding an old man in your house" knowing how only old experienced wise people could solve his problem.

And this story reveals precisely the true reason they are killing old people!

Old people have invaluable experience and wisdom that can threaten the wicked future plans of the elite so they try their hardest to get rid of them so all they are left to deal with is stupid naive kids that are easy to control, manipulate and brainwash.

You cant teach an old dog new tricks aka you cant trick an old dog as it knows all your tricks and it will protect its family from your tricks too, so old dogs got to go!

Also without old people being around the faster the elite's plans move along, see dna vaccines/mark of the beast new generations have no idea about and wouldnt even care if old people werent around to warn them about it!
Same with the future false savior and evil aliens planned staged events new generations have no idea about and will go along with whatever the authority tells them if an old man is not living/hiding in their house!

Imagine being 1000 years old having witnessed history repeating 100 times, who would be able to fool you, scam you, trick you when you have seen it all!
And that 's why they modified us genetically to not live past 100 and now living past 60 they see it as a problem too seeing how even at that time frame a human can gain a dangerous amount of experience and wisdom!

Wow look what i jut stumbled upon!

"In Florida, 83 percent of coronavirus deaths are people 65 and older"
"We're saving everyone we can," Atchison said." HAHAHAHAHA!

Reminds me the 1976 swine flu vaccine that was killing all old people,
then they came up with viagra pills that were killing tons of old people,
now covid-19 where even just the tests of it kill old people!

Yeap they're not going after old people at all and are brainwashing the new generations like the king in the greek fairytale that is a good thing old people die.
New generations being corrupt as hell and craving to inherit their parent's riches love hospitals for killing them too!

Then the elite with their evil plans come along and the new generations like loki pay the price for their sins for getting rid of their old people who like odin in thor could protect them with their wisdom from old hag hela/hera/freeza/lunar queen/devil!


I just remembered massive information and even videos of medical doctors informing the masses how old people see things the younger generations cannot see and most old people they said are afraid to talk about these abilities to their kids out of fear their kids they'll think of them as they're going crazy, losing their minds and lock them up in hospitals.

This gives away how if old people start seeing things like Neo in matrix that are not allowed to see then they might start hearing things too and even become a communication bridge with the outside world and this is definitely not allowed as lunar boss said in gods of egypt movie "communications between north korea earth/zoo and the land outside of it is forbidden!"

So that's another important reason they are wiping out the elderly as the digital parts in our human bodies most likely start breaking down/expire at their age and our locked analog powers start resurfacing!

In short i suspect the elite is not expecting god/analog to come to earth as a child born from a woman but as a consciousness born out of the elderly where the digital bottleneck has lost its power/grip!

That explains why they are killing the elderly like the plague!
And it's amazing how through covid-19 it became apparent that it's the elderly they are after and not after how big humanity has become and trying to reduce the population, they try to control and shrink the elderly population is what they do and been doing from ancient times!

And it's disgusting how they brainwash us through school north korean style how science and medicine has expanded our life expectancy where in reality it took us from being immortals down to thousands of years in the old testament to less than a 100 in the new testament and eventually to less than 33!
Bible says in the future no human would grow past 33 implying how we will be young forever and 33 which is the age of jesus where i suspect they will be killing us at 33(just like they did to jesus) automatically through some new gene programming in our dna they will force through vaccines.

The christian monk i visited last summer told me about this 33 forever biblical intel(which it shocked me) and if i see him again i'll inform him it was interpreted wrong like the prophecy in star wars and it means all humans will be dying at 33 in the future.
Hahahaha he'll either lose his mind or think of me as a heretic or crazy.
And by making humans die at 33 they solve the elderly problem that can unlock analog/god and ruin all their plans.
(damn in mr nobody movie was shown no old people were existing in the future except the lunar boss who was the only old man alive. that's his wet dream, an old sick pedophile in a land full with naive kids. it will be hilarious how they will sell this up to 33 age as immortality to the masses(like they already do in the bible) and the end of aging only for them to find out, end of aging not by immortality but by death at 33 hahaha what a scam, what an epic over 9000 scam!)

In newest jurassic park movie they told it to our face how science and medicine has reduced human life expectancy!

"-The T. rex would be dead
by now, right?
-No. It's impossible
to know the max lifespan
of a clone in a completely
different environment.
Take a caveman that would
have lived 20 years, feed him
prime meals,
give him health care,
he's gonna live...
five times as long.
-So she'd be dead by now.
Right?"(since t-rex was living abandoned and away from human society, no prime meals and no healthcare)

And T. rex was shown alive giving away the opposite is true(which old testament with 1000s years old ancient people reveals too) and how the cavemen who symbolizes off the grid/earth people and away from criminal science and toxic medicine live way longer if not for as long they wish for.

I have mentioned before scientists inform us that our eyes and brain show us only 1% of the world we live in so the elderly with their hallucinations could easily be seeing some of the rest 99% that is locked away through the digital parts in our human bodies.

I saw a jaydreamerz video yesterday where he was decoding the movie coma and showed a scene where at death(of the human body or digital parts within) the sky was opening up and showing what is hiding behind giving away how like in bloodborne video game we're blind of very big things that are right at our face 24/7.

I wonder is these the kind of things old people see?
When i was 5-6 years old i have mentioned before after looking the sun in the eye i saw a yellow female shadow/ghost right behind me who got frightened when she noticed i could see her and then rushed behind my grandma and like the father in tron legacy in the scene with the human guard put her hands on her shoulders from behind to mind control her and tell me it's nothing and not to worry.
I yelled at my grandma "it's behind you!" and it left my grandma and went to hide in a shadowy place behind her.

So i have my own experiences with the invisible things older people see and we are blind to them.
Similar mind manipulation that yellow ghost did to my grandma was shown in wonder woman movie with ghost Ares and in what dreams may come with robin williams and i suspect those ghosts/demons running around invisibly like the predator or azazel from fallen movie are analog beings under the control of the lunar queen through blackmailing.

That yellow ghost i experienced when 5-6 years old it acted just like a human being, in the beginning it didnt believe i could see her when i started screaming, then when i pointed at her with my finger she reacted like "oh shit!"

Then i have my sleep paralysis experiences from 2008 that were happening like they were on schedule like a train that arrives same time every day and i became aware then of invisible beings all around us, i could sense and hear them laughing at me like they knew me from before birth and enjoying all the humiliation and terror/fear/anxiety they put me through in this lifetime.

I heard also stories of old people at their deathbed throwing punches in the air like they are in a fight with an invisible being/ghost/demon etc.

At least they went down with a fight unlike this guy here.

The batman vs superman movie showed similar thing where batman was holding a human at the edge of a building to provoke an invisible being/predator/demon to show up which like vultures(and in predator 2 movie) arrive at scenes where someone is about to die to take their soul to the moon where lunar boss showed up as superman in a bunker burning us alive.

Humans are about to kill each other, invisible beings like vultures smell soul blood and show up at the scene.

Identical scene was shown in batman v superman where humans were killing each other in the battlefield and darkseid like angels/demons were showing up picking up what symbolized their soul.


Also in this movie superman/analog/god died and resurrected like jesus and they used the lunar queen to change him so he doesnt burn batman/lunar boss like here when he wakes up.
Which is the intel i have decoded the lunar queen/hera put her husband zeus/odin to sleep to reprogram him like hypnotism does and then wake him up as her obedient puppet.
Similarly father ego was betrayed and put to sleep by his woman which was also a mantis in guardians of the galaxy 2.


  1. They did the same thing with ancient NATURAL trees, I feel that the most powerful meditation sessions can be experienced while connecting with one like the Buddha Boy from Nepal. I suspect that such trees could possibly block/deflect their electronic weaponry.

    1. The most dangerous human body is one that has never been vaccinated once, including his or her progenitors. One can use a much higher percentage of their brain when housing such a bodily context. Mental retardation we witness nowadays isn't natural at all.

    2. People literally destroyed crystal forests that were inexplicably amazing & so in the now..
      To reforest with trees & plants that have broken genetics that can be controlled.
      All to avoid being in the now & being present with the depths of their emotions.

      Gregor Mindel created peas & most of the beans.
      Cultivation is not nature.

      Dont call it a banana..
      Call it a Cavendish..
      Because that's the man who made them.

      The more you need the less you are.

      Yo instead of the perfection of nature adjusting for itself...
      Lets force plants to grow so the population expands in improper regions & in ways that require more land rape... Gotta grow more fake plants for fake people, because we reject nature(god)." - source is Tao Lore , Facebook, he also has a YouTube channel.

    3. Its like 5 natural trees left on earth..
      Joshua & a couple others...
      The world was logged for European ships & firewood. Then it was reforested by man.
      The world was shaved bald.
      & the amazon, congo & other jungles are permaculture food gardens from 4500 years ago or so..

    4. According to him, Petrified Forest at Arizona was one location of such an ancient Crystal Forest. Max Spiers that there exists crystals in the world that contain God Mind information.

      Hmm, I wonder if some crystals are ancient books that we forgot how to read.

    5. *Max said in one of his interviews..

      sorry :D

    6. In the new star wars movie the elite showed also their massive hate towards old people by having kylo ren say
      "It's time to let old things die. Snoke, Skywalker, the Sith, the Jedi, the Rebels; Let it all die."

      And in my new update in this thread with the new max age at 33 i decoded they will enforce on the masses they wont have to deal with old things again in the future.

      It's history repeating again i see.
      Old in ancient times was immortality, they got rid of that, then old became living 1000 of years, they repeated history and lowered it to 100, then old became 100 and lowered it to 60, now 33 will become the new old which is hilarious and frightening but new generations will grow up programmed to see it as a perfectly normal thing like we see dying at 80 normal or death itself normal while in the outside world analog/infinite/immortality is the normal!

  2. Here in America they are going to vaccinate the old people first as well as front line workers. My initial thought was what you composed today.

    I’m almost 63 and healthy and work around younger people who don’t care for my wisdom on such matters as scams from the top down.

    I’m pretty sure I’ll be unemployed soon when they make the vaccine mandatory at work.

    No fear here...if you live long enough in this shit-world, you develop strong cynical muscles. Haha.

    1. I grew up in greece where was common tactic for new generations to get rid off their parents by sending them to hospital knowing they'll die soon after and were smiling and laughing too when the doctor was coming to tell them the terrible news.

      Old people need to be aware it's not just their country that tries to get rid of them but their own family too which is pretty disgusting!

      Wow i can see now lunar boss like agent smith going as far to possess and mind control family members to take the elderly out of the game!

      Wow he/she's so desperate for doing that, it's sad that the masses who kill their own parents cant notice they are under the influence of the lunar boss and all they care about is inheriting their money, house etc.
      I know stories of brothers and sisters becoming sworn enemies over inheriting money and houses which is sad as friendship is where the value is at.
      If we didnt have friends we would be stuck in this north korean zoo we call earth forever!
      Friends/living/analog comes to your rescue when in trouble while cold dead things/digital/money/houses would never move a muscle nor can they having no life/analog.

      We've been programmed since birth to see value only on dead things/digital and care only about that.

  3. I wanna add it's very shocking to me growing up in greece with the greek fairytale i mentioned in this thread of a king killing all old men in his kingdom and never had an idea until recently how it was based on true events and how it still happening in our times.

    I wondered also after they make 33 the next age limit how they will repeat history from there, will they stop at 33 or go all the way down to 3 years old like in fallout 3 city of children?

    It becomes more obvious every day how sick the ones who rule this westworld zoo are and i feel like i dodged a bullet train or stopping it with one hand like superman and saying "you shall not pass" like gandalf by not getting married and reproduce.
    Feels like i won the lottery by not playing!

    Imagine waking up in a Hellish Casino
    Wanna play?
    Insert Soul.

    Dont wanna play?
    You win your soul by keeping it.

    Dying light hellraid arcade machine comes to mind
    0:02 insert soul!

  4. Those in new jerusalem won't age because they will have glorified (analog) bodies like the angels via genetic/spiritual purification through jesus sacrifice. In the book of Daniel, An angel is described in a similar way to jesus second coming. as a legit Omega super saiyan analog mode. I believe they are culling old people because their wisdom and insight, but bible literally says multiple times that christians will be powerful immortal analog beings with dominion over the realms, not systematically killed at 33 to prevent us from acquiring spiritual knowledge. The 33 year old theory the christian monk is reference to how the bible states we'll be like jesus which implies that we'll be the same age. There is no verse that says we'll be 33. I'm not saying you're wrong about what they're doing to the eldery, just that bible doesn't say that. However, this does not deny the occult implications of jesus dying at 33 (masonic number).

    To me, The book of revelations is literally talking about what you're saying is going to happen. Just like you the christians talk about how all these alien/sci fi movies are brainwashing us to fight the invaders (The father and his army). Just like the christians you talk about how the father will return and restore us to analog forms. But it's funny because you'll refer to the book of revelations which directly states you'll become a superpowered analog being, but too conflcited fully acknowledge it because the father is yahweh/demiurge/satan.

    The kicker is though you'll eventually come to the objective truth that we must be pure-hearted if we want to make it through this and that god is 1 way, and naturally that will take you to jesus instructions which will diffuse so much karmic debt bullshit in your life if you follow it. For example, jesus tells you not lust for women, bam! That removes 99% problems from women and masturbation. He tells you not to judge or be wrathful, which further decreases the cycle of karma. He tells you to love your enemies, bam! by returning hatred/fear with love you reverse the karma they project onto you. Don't worry about jack shit, even if you lose your job. Bam! all stress/negative energy is gone. Give to the needy. BAM! GOOD KARMA. Objectively the bullshit they put on you is countered by these teachings. There is extreme power in those teachings that i cannot find described as clearly than in the jesus verses, not buddha or fucking mohammaed. Fuck all these monks sects, they're full of corruption and succumb because they follow tradition and not the eternal truth of god. But in order for me to understand this, I had to reject Christianity so that I could see past the veil of corruption the surrounded it. Despite everything you learn and how deep you go, even 20 years from now when the world has gotten even shittier it will always come back to condition of soul.

    1. That christian monk told me "in heaven after death we'll all be 33 years old like jesus", i googled it and sites saying that the bible doesnt say that directly but those who read it get that implication from it.
      (google "all 33 in heaven")

      It reminded me the superman intel in man of steel who consumed all kryptonians like death did to his people in darksiders 2 and said he was 30 years on earth aka he's 30-33 years old like jesus and since all kryptonians live in him they all are 30-33 like him.

      So that monk and the religious sites saying we all be 33 like jesus i see a dark side to it, also agent smith from matrix comes to mind where everyone when transforming to him was becoming of same age giving away the "all 33 like jesus" to imply copies of smith/satan.

      Then again the same age can be subliminal for analog age that is ageless!

      The elite i suspect have encoded their plans in the bible and what herod/hera did in the bible killing all babies to track down jesus i see it now as a reversed subliminal for the killing and extermination of all old people to track down god who according to thor ragnarok and odyssey has already returned undercover and is an old man!

      That would explain why they systematically genocide old people and are working towards exterminate them completely from the face of this zoo expecting the last remaining to be the undercover odin/god or lunar boss's old body forcing god's consciousness to live in him being the only old body left, hijacking god that is his/her plan all along.

      I see now the possibility of old people to be eligible containers for god's consciousness when he returns on earth and lunar boss to guarantee god enters his body is killing all his competition. I keep an open mind and calculate like in chess all possible scenarios and i'll be damned if that's how he plans to hijack god.

    2. Old people they say behave like babies especially those suffering from alzheimers so that's another give away the babies herod was killing in the bible were old people!
      Old people with alzheimers are also clean/empty like babies and easy for a consciousness that needs a lot of space and not get contaminated with existing memories to get downloaded in them. Old empty mind/alzheimers people are also better alternative to babies as you dont have to wait years for the body to grow up.
      That's the possibility of god needing and looking for a body to enter in order to come here instead of coming with his own next to the possibility of old people unlocking the god/analog within thanks to the digital parts breaking down and expire at old age.

  5. Description of angel

    Daniel 10:6 "His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude."

    Jesus is described in a similar way, and it's funny because the retarded hebrew israelites like to claim this is proof he was black, but it seems like jesus will be BEYOND human but rather a superhuman being of divine presence. Lol show me a black man with like me with a body of beryl or face like lightning? And if we're all going to be like jesus/angels/Saiyans/Elves then that means we will be analog beings of ultimate power

    "Revelations "14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.""

    Revelation 2:14 "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."

    Mark 12:25 "For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven."

    Philippians 3:20-21 "20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body."

    It even straight up says that death shall be no more.

    1. "will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body"
      this is what agent smith did in matrix! i wish an analog being takes over this hell in similar way, silently return everyone back to analog and leave the media last reporting fake news while their buildings surrounded with hordes of analog beings.

      That would be a legendary day!

    2. Go to 3:45 of this video:

      I think jak's light eco form was intel for what the analog bodies look like. Also, Notice that jak is an elf/aryan that transform through 4 colored energies fusing togther to make light eco whereas. Black eco is what all the 4 colored energies are before they're divided.

  6. "Today by the way coming back from walmart a car stopped in front of me with license plate

    A phenomenon happened to me this night.
    Im sleeping in the bedroom floor, next to me is the window sill where i place all my stuff while im laying there.
    Yesterday i placed there my wallet, belt, covidiot mask, cellphone, ear phones and money, 3 euros in coins, a 1 euro coin and a 2 euro coin.
    This morning i got up and went to pick my stuff and the 2 euro coin is gone, it vanished, nowhere to be found.
    Not in my clothes, not in the jacket, not in the sheets, not in the pillow, not in the ground, not in the kitchen, living room, bathroom, its gone.
    I remember clearly i placed it there along with my things, i dont smoke, drink or do drugs.
    Its gone.
    Theres no holes in the floor, no openings in the window sill, the window was closed, the shutters too, i dont know, its a second floor, i cant find it.
    The only other person in the house is my mom, she says she didnt took it, has no reason to lie, i didnt noticed her come near it anyway, and if she did she would take all themoney not just one coin.
    Its weird but its gone,
    Makes me think of the ferryman, the dead with the 2 coins over their eyes and the song dont pay the ferryman.
    The closest phenomenon that i can think of experiencing was when i was opening a tap and nothing was pouring out, then i called someone to try it, they opened the tap and water poured out.
    Got no explanation for that one too.
    Ive dreamt with ghosts before and have experienced sleep paralysis a few times but thats it.
    Weird huh.
    I know that this place is all scripted and that im inserted in some type of virtual reality illusion like the haunted house in the movie Hausu (1977).
    That movie perfectly demonstrates the meaning of the motto E Pluribus Unum since the seven girls that entered the house became one in the old granny, out of many one, which is the same meaning as the hendecagram below the statue of liberty.
    Ultimately thats the goal of the ferryman/Luffy/Mercury/psychopomp, oneness, as in the one piece, agent smith and its clones.
    Weird place.

    Don't pay the ferryman - Chris De Burgh

    House (Hausu, 1977) - Main Theme

    1. "Fear is not an emotion, it's a spiritual force which is invoked upon you to lock you into bondage. Gematria numerical values of Fear & Bind are equivalents.".

      Cremation of care = Removal of bondage/fear

      Eminem - Just Lose It (Official Music Video)

      Thats how you get all those perverts to act out on their perversions and how you get the warmongers to invade countries.
      Makes all those american heroes as unrestrained as Charlie Brown.

      Charlie Brown, Lucy and the Football | A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

      "What a mastermind and always 5 moves ahead! No wonder why the winning move is not to play."

      Yep and even Jesus agrees with that as the most important piece of wisdom in this place as thats exactly the example he gave when he was being tempted by Satan in the desert.

      Matthew 4:5--7

      Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple.
      “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written:

      “‘He will command his angels concerning you,
      and they will lift you up in their hands,
      so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’”

      Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’

      Bomb Iran (1980)

    2. Im reading through Rulers of Evil and have found further evidence that the words/numbers/worms are satanic:

      Chaldean, like Hebrew, Greek, and to a limited extent Latin, had no separate numbering system.
      Their numbers were represented by certain characters of their alphabet.
      The cabalah derives its power from mathematical energies conveyed from these languages.
      Hislop further reported that Roman numerals consist of only six letters,
      D (500), C (100), L (50), X (10), V (5), and I (1)
      – we ignore the letter M, signifying 1,000, because it’s a latecomer, having
      evolved as shorthand for two D’s.
      When we total these six letters, we discover a startling link with the Beast of Revelation embedded in the very alphanumeric communication system of the
      D = 500; C = 100; L = 50; X = 10; V = 5; I = 1 := 666

      Have also found that Persephone, Goddess of the U.S. Capitol Dome is the Queen of the dead.
      No wonder that with the US being overseen by the queen of the dead that Adam Green would feel its patriotic to defend the palestinians, as pale green is the color that the book of revelation attributes to the dead.

      Monster Energy - Unleash the Beast

      I now also suspect that the reason that Portugal stayed neutral during WW2 was not due to economical reasons but because the dictatorship was being puppeteered by marrano jays.
      SInce Marquês de Pombal revolt against the jesuits was all but theater im starting to believe all the people that say that Inigo de Loyola was a marrano jay.
      Jesuits are jays is what these people repeat over and over and over again, and since just like Trump they play both sides the only move really is to not play.

    3. "Fear is not an emotion, it's a spiritual force which is invoked upon you to lock you into bondage. Gematria numerical values of Fear & Bind are equivalents.".

      Cremation of care = Removal of bondage/fear/doubt

      Same script is given in norse mythology as Ragnarok happens once Fenrir gets freed from Gleipnir/restraint/bondage/fear/confusion/doubt/patience and devours Odin.

      Tupac - I Don't Give A Fuck (HD)

      Patience has limits just like Jesus who does not step out of bounds, however evil just like these perverts has no boundaries/temperance/restraint/no border, no wall, no USA at all.

      Slayer - Evil Has No Boundaries

      Donald Trump doubles down on calling Mexicans 'rapis...

    4. Xurious-Trump Betrayal

      "Its up to us" says the guy at the end of this Xurious track, oh just like Obama, well good luck with that.

      Obama: 'You cannot sit back and wait for a savior'

      "in Fauci we Trust"
      "Trust science not morons"

      Lol at all the hypocrisy.

    5. "Every time i see the number 3 now it makes me sick.
      Cerberus has 3 heads, the devil 3 6s etc. 3=bad luck and devil's number."

      The pope has a triple crown that declares him as lord over earth, heaven and hell.

      That also represents the 3 Abrahamic religions, according to the conspiracy theorists thats Jacob the catholics, Esau the jayishes and Ishmael the moslems.

      TRUTH ABOUT ZIONISM Children of Abraham Important Middle Eastern History Revealed

      In One Piece Zoro has 3 swords together with the eye of Odin and the pale green color for the dead.

      Mr 3 has the power of turning people into wax statues.

      All refererring to the trinity god which is caesar, c aesar, c god, 3 god and that is the pope who took over as pontifex maximus after caesar.

      Pontifex maximus = Supreme bridge builder = establishing a bridge/connection between this world and the other world = ferryman/luffy/mercury/backdoor man

      Continuavano a chiamarlo Trinità - Sigla iniziale

    6. Rage of Magas had the intel that the supreme bridge builder was a wormhole travelling necromancer that was puppeteering the king who was nothing but a brainless zombie.

      Rage of Mages Ⅱ Intro (HD)

    7. In ...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo! (1974), which stars the same duo as the Trinità movies, Bud Spencer shows all these characteristics too, first here he is showing the eye of Odin and the pale green from Osiris for the dead coupled with yellow for the sun:

    8. Next at the race he drives car number 3:

      In that scene with the cars reversed to each other hes even doing a 69/ea/WM/IXXI/pd mirror, one car red one car blue, together number 23 which are the pairs of chromossomes of the body, 23 from the mother, 23 from the father, red hot, blue cold.

      Oliver Onions - Dune Buggy

      The symbolism is always the same and nobody really cares but heres the info anyway.

      Trump 45th president = 45th chromossome = the chromossome that determines gender
      X female or Y male = Trump vs Hillary

    9. You reminded me the C consciousness evil scientists from stalker 1 game i so enjoyed killing at the end.
      "Join the C-Consciousness"
      This ending felt so wrong.

      The zone symbolizes zoo/prison earth and is shown in an earlier dialog with a scientist that is powered up by the sleepers, the ones who sleep and dream human life.
      Similar thing was shown in prisoner 2009 series where lunar boss/queen had her husband on drugs and in a coma like in maleficent 2 and thor 1and was shown the moment the sleeper wakes up this reality collapses instantly.

      Also i noticed the elite that keeps showing the moon with the letter C like in turkish lunar flag which C is also the number 3 and C is "gama" in greek that means also "f*cked", i see the 3 moons subliminal with the C moon aka 3rd moon meaning there's 2 more!

      Just noticed game is synonym to gama=3/C="f*cked", no wonder why the winning move is not to play.

    10. "Just noticed game is synonym to gama=3/C="f*cked", no wonder why the winning move is not to play."

      In Rocky 2 Apollo baits Roky into a rematch after he said that there would be no rematch by spreading propaganda all over the media calling Rocky a chicken coward:

      Rocky just like Charlie Brown immediately takes the bait.
      I also find it a big anomaly that Rocky which was a mimicry of another work would get the oscar over taxi driver.
      That was for the 1977 oscars, 77 like Joe Biden, seems to be a number associated with these rigged anomalous results.


      "This Academy Awards ceremony is notable for Peter Finch becoming the first posthumous winner of an Oscar for acting, a feat matched only by fellow Australian Heath Ledger 32 years later."

      Definitely something going on.

      Taxi Driver 1976 Remastered - Training

    12. "Rage of Magas had the intel that the supreme bridge builder was a wormhole travelling necromancer that was puppeteering the king who was nothing but a brainless zombie."

      worms = sperm
      other world = wormhole = vagina
      bridge = penis
      supreme bridge builder = obelisk man

      Thomas Dolby She Blinded Me With Science Ultrasound Extended 12 Inch Version

      Necromancer = raising the dead = giving birth = souls with erased memories = soul traps

    13. Next in the ...altrimenti ci arrabbiamo! (1974) race car number 13 gets overturned/upside down.

    14. At the end of the race both Trinita and Bud cross at the same time.

      Trinita is driving car #1.
      Bud is driving car #3.
      Together = 13

    15. Both Trinita and Bud cross together = Twins

      Cain and Abel = Cannibal = Ouroboros

      13 = B = pregnancy = new year

    16. Supreme bridge builder = connecting both worls
      Night and day = life and death = twilight zone
      Old folks live in the twilight zone
      Old age = twilight years
      Venus = star of the dawn/dusk = connecting both day and night = supreme bridge builder
      Killing old folks seems to fit here as part of the ritual sacrifice for Venus same as with all the mercury everywhere.

    17. Venus = star of the dawn/dusk = both day & night = androgynous = trannie culture
      Mercury = both liquid and solid = shapeshifter
      Its all the same symbolic rituals.

      Old folks live in the twilight zone.

      Golden Earring - Twilight Zone (HQ)

  7. In remembrance of another warrior who gained notoriety for exposing the CIA.


    2. I came across this cia video on valuetainment
      and i rofled so hard when that cia woman said cia hires only people who are very patriotic, love their country and willing to do anything for it.
      I learned from her the cia top head is a woman and how all people at the top of cia are women.
      The alarms went off as i suspect transgenders have taken over the cia.
      Transgender people are easy to control and blackmail that's why the elite loves to put them in high positions of power in governor, military, secret service etc.

      China has already won the war and 97 year old kissinger still licks china's ass, i wonder why the hospitals or his doctors dont take him out like they do to all other old men.
      I bet eventually will come across a doctor who will be like "old man in sight, activate lethal demerol shot" and by mistake would have commit great service to humanity.

  8. "Take the evil out the people, they'll be acting right" - Tupac

    The only question left to ask is what's the evil within people? Soils only become a problem when they've been contaminated in one way or another. Tainting human blood is the name of their game. Such an evil agenda is accomplished through various means.

    "We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
    They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
    The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds.
    We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison."

    Chemtrails really went full throttle starting back in 2010.

    1. Then there's the issue of inherited generational toxicity from careless satanic alcoholic parents. You factor in the genital mutilation, vaccines, Monsanto pesticides, lead, fluoridation, and it's a wonder any of us are still standing.

      I guess that's the power of our beautiful tortured souls.

      Perhaps one day we will all be connected through real happiness instead of this agony that's dictated onto us.


    3. A good topic to look into is how come most scientists can't explain the birth of a planet? Everybody around the world, from Detroit to Europe are reporting unusually hotter temperatures.. - this helps provide some insight although it still isn't a complete explanation.

    4. "The only question left to ask is what's the evil within people?"

      According to the script being presented it is the gene of eve, thats why you have rdna altering vaccines, eva-nescence as in dissipation of the gene of eve, end of the UN headquarters in Geneva with it being moved to Jerusalem (city of peace = no more evil) snd tenth red heifer sacrifice, among other lesser rituals.

    5. Just googled gene of eve, its crazy the kind of stuff that pops out, like this one:

      "The Drosophila eve Insulator Homie Promotes eve Expression and Protects the Adjacent Gene from Repression by Polycomb Spreading"

      "A Transgenic eve-TER94 Locus to Assess PRE and Insulator Activity"

      "The eve 3′ insulator, Homie, was shown previously to have three activities: P-element transgene homing, enhancer blocking, and facilitation of long-range enhancer-promoter communication between endogenous eve enhancers and a transgenic promoter
      We sought to address how these activities relate to Homie's normal function.
      Both eve and TER94 are essential genes, and eve is highly dose-dependent, making it problematic to manipulate the endogenous locus.
      Therefore, we constructed a transgene that contains these genes in their normal configuration.
      Both the eve and TER94 coding regions were replaced with reporter genes to monitor promoter activity.
      This transgene simulates the expression pattern of both genes, when inserted at several different chromosomal sites.
      We used this system to manipulate both Homie and the nearby PRE, to assess their normal functions."

    6. "Perhaps one day we will all be connected through real happiness instead of this agony that's dictated onto us."

      We will be connected alright, either in heaven or in hell, from what i can get this place is a middle ground like a selection process between two hive minds, one from above and one from below.

      Frankie Goes To Hollywood - "Two Tribes" - 12" MIX - HQ stereo

      Hell awaits intro voices backwards

  9. Hey Kaboom! Have you watched "Warrior" tv-series, based on the writings of Bruce Lee, it`s about a Chinese "Hero" who comes to San Fransisco to find his sister, but is really the Lunar Boss. The end of the second season is riddled with symbology. Thought you might be interested. Cheers!

    1. Altered carbon s1 had similar script, lunar queen showed up as our sister, in rambo last blood was also our sister/half sister that drugged us put us to sleep and sold us to slavery.
      In altered carbon s1 she took us out of the dreamworld/slavery when she needed us.

  10. Surreal to find out how there's doctors who are covert serial killers.

    1. Supreme bridge builder = Supreme pussy grabber

      Venus = Morning star/Dawn = Evening star/Dusk
      Dawn = Early age
      Dusk = Old age
      Venus Overseer of kindergartens and old folks homes

      Bananarama - Venus (Official Video)

      "L’Enfant was a Freemason.
      He subdivided the city into a brilliant array of cabalistic symbols and numerics.
      Perhaps his bestknown device is the pattern that is discerned when a straight line is drawn from the White House along Connecticut Avenue to
      Dupont Circle, then along Massachusetts Avenue to Mount Ver-
      non Square, then back across K Street to Washington Circle, then
      up Rhode Island Avenue to Logan Circle, then along Vermont
      Avenue back to the White House.
      What results is a perfect pentagram, the Queen of Heaven’s eight-yearand-
      one-day celestial journey.
      But L’Enfant’s pentagram points downward, forming the shape of
      Baphomet, the gnostic “absorption into wisdom” goat’s-head icon of the
      Knights Templar.
      Gnostic historian Manly Hall says the upside-down pentagram “is used extensively in black magic” and “always signifies a perverted power.”
      The Baphomet imposed upon the federal city by Pierre-Charles L’Enfant puts the mouth of this “perverted power” exactly at the White House."

      L'Enfant = The child

      "A dedicated observer, from a fixed location over an eight-year period, will discern that the planet Venus travels a unique celestial pathway that exactly
      describes a pentagram."

      Ghost Elizabeth With Lyrics

    2. "Surreal to find out how there's doctors who are covert serial killers. "

      The Medici family that spawned modern medicine is a family of overt mass murderers.

    3. Give me a break
      I've got every right to be incensed
      Give me back my innocence

      Negative Gemini - My Innocence - Daytrotter Session - 3/26/2018

      Dont worry its coming.

      Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats - Down to the Fire (HQ)

    4. Some day the witch hunt will end.

      Trumps slams NY probe as 'witch hunt' continued

      78-Someday the Dream Will End-FFX OST


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