The Entrance Of This World Brings Light -Kenneth Copeland

Skip to 16:26!

I watched jiu jitsu 2020 last night that showed to our face how this system works.

That's the sun mirror from the james bond movie!

Skip to 1:31!
Our sun is a satellite orbiting/floating above us like iss spacestation reflecting the light of the real sun from the oculus opening at the layer above us.

From the comments section of this thread

"I saw jiu jitsu 2020 yesterday and it had hela/neo/predator coming to earth and earth preparing to face him.
I found interesting how they showed identical intel to thor ragnarok, in thor loki got scared when faced hela and run back to asgard which led hela to asgard by following him, as asgard/earth was hidden like hades and hela wouldnt be able to go there any other way.

In jiu jitsu 2020 a guy that was supposed to face the spaceman/neo/hela got scared and run away back to earth which led the spaceman/analog being to earth.
They showed also eclipses are portals and reminded me the trainman black moon ferryboat intel i decoded recently delivering people in and out of this layer during eclipses.
Google says about 4-6 eclipses are happening every year.

In jiu jitsu 2020 they showed also our sun to be a mirror that reflects light in the scene where a guy fell into lunar boss's cave from a hole on the layer above it and there was light coming in from that hole/oculus opening on the ceiling and was being redirected to different parts of the cave through a mirror.

In james bond die another day they showed to our face of our sun to be a mirror by the way, oh and it was also a weapon and was owned by north korea!
Damn north korea i decoded recently to be the core/heart of our kingdom from where all script/orders are coming from and all other countries follow."

Gatekeeper of truth religions are in the know too like kenneth copeland, this picture says it all.

I find interesting that our sun is the strongest when at 12pm and i suspect that to be cause at that time it is very close to the hole on the dome where the light is coming from.

Wow that church picture shows precisely the intel that was mentioned in thor raganrok!

-I'm working on it.
But I don't even know
where the hell I am.
-You're on a planet surrounded
by doorways.
Go through one.
- Which one?
- The big one.

Do you see the countless doorways in the church picture? Holy moly!

Wow wow wow!
The other countless doorways symbolize the stars on the dome!
So each star/light source is similar to the biggest star/oculus sungate/doorway too!


  1. Nikolas Cage saying
    "now someone like you has 2 choices, be like me(agent smith clone), or warrior(shows sun light which is subliminal for energy/food/battery)"

    In prey 2006 game the lunar queen said all humans are being used as either warriors(to fight on the layer above) or food/batteries.

    In far cry 3 "warrior" was subliminal for sheep for slaughter as vaas said
    "my sister will make you a warrior jason, you are so f*cked"
    and later jason was slaughtered like sheep while vaas's sister was telling him
    "you are a warrior, die a warrior"

    Jupiter ascending showed also how wars on earth are done primarily to farm and harvest humans, so warriors are literally sheep getting sent for slaughter only the shepherd in our case is smart and doesnt waste his energy to kill us, he has his sheep kill each other for him.

    Snowpiercer movie showed exactly that, when the population was growing too big the lunar boss would start wars and have his sheep kill each other.
    Be a warrior yeah! they tell us and brainwash us in school through history books and in military movies and video games. Turns out warriors are sheep that are getting sent for slaughter.

    1. Youve just pulled a Sean Hross.

      Tiger Panzer with 88 Canon and 88 SwiSS Power; 88 Octogon Victors of WWII got Filthy Rich

      World War One Bunkers: 'stupid humanity, don't do their wars for them"

    2. From the comments:
      "Love your videos I feel like I'm right there with you. Excellent info, you'll never find that in our history books huh. Keep telling the truth your a WARRIOR."

      I wonder if they got to him since there were no more videos for a month now, and his son has been missing for years.

      Donon Gate to Hell full of Demons and Djins with Life Feed from associated Concentration Camp

      The SwiSS Beast likes Action against Soft Targets . . . Endlessly Terrorising Defenceless Families

    3. I guess these ones fit here too:


      "-You're on a planet surrounded
      by doorways. Go through one."

      The Invisible Door in the Forest; "yes, Sergeant Sir, I can see it now"

    4. In the SSJ2 video ive noticed both Goku and Vegeta are slaves as Vegetas has the mark of the beast and Goku has the halo/corona/lycan moon collar.

    5. "Mercury is a dense, silvery d-block element. It is the only metal that is liquid at standard conditions for temperature and pressure."

      The god mercury is the psychopomp (from the Greek word ψυχοπομπός, psychopompós, literally meaning the 'guide of souls').

      Charon, in Greek mythology, the son of Erebus and Nyx (Night), whose duty it was to ferry over the Rivers Styx and Acheron those souls of the deceased who had received the rites of burial. In payment he received the coin that was placed in the mouth of the corpse.

      Mercury is the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves; he also serves as the guide of souls to the underworld.

      Its the same entity.

      Chris de Burgh - Don't Pay The Ferryman

      He was also, like Hermes, the Romans' psychopomp, leading newly deceased souls to the afterlife.
      Additionally, Ovid wrote that Mercury carried Morpheus' dreams from the valley of Somnus to sleeping humans.

      The god of commerce was depicted on two early bronze coins of the Roman Republic, the Sextans and the Semuncia.

      Commerce = Money = Numbers = Words = Eloquence = Worms

    6. Enjoy raw fish loaded with mercury and worms

      Hong Kong watchdog: mercury, worms in sashimi

      The watchdog said on Monday that it tested 19 tuna and 31 salmon sashimi samples from restaurants, supermarkets and takeaway outlets in Hong Kong and found that all but one contained methylmercury, an organic compound of the heavy metal, according to the press release.

      Meanwhile, the roundworm parasite was found in one tuna sample from Genki Sushi in Tai Koo and in one salmon sample from Uo-Show in Tsuen Wan. The tuna sample from Genki Sushi also had worm eggs.

    7. By the way since ive talked on here about Portugal before, this year this country celebrated 46 years of democracy, you know just like Joe Biden the 46th president, just as the body has 46 chromossomes, the temple in Jerusalem took 46 years to build, George Floyd was 46 years old, the freemasonic pyramid has 46 stones, its all the same script.

      8:46 Official Trailer

      John 2:20
      They replied, “It has taken 46 years to build this temple. Are you going to raise it up in three days?”

      I think that the red carnations from the revolution that ended the dictatorship symbolize the gene of eve.

      Flight 11 crashes at roughly 466 mph (790 km/h or 219 m/s or 425 knots) into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99. The aircraft enters the tower intact. It plows to the building's core, severing all three gypsum-encased stairwells, dragging combustibles with it. A powerful shock wave travels down to the ground and up again. The combustibles and the remnants of the aircraft are ignited by the burning fuel. People below the severed stairwells start to evacuate, but no one above the impact zone is able to do so.

      Today is Freedom Day in Portugal. What will another 46 years bring?


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