My Perspective On Military, To Fight A Maniac We Create A Maniac And It's The Trap Of A Bigger Maniac! UPDATE! All Military Of All Countries Are One And The Same! They Get Their Script From The Same Source! UPDATE 3! Military Is The Devil's Spawn!!!

3:43/3:44 It's like you're watching a horror movie.

Recently i became aware how the military shapes the behavior of entire societies and countries apart from fighting the enemy which they make it look like their only purpose.

I grew up in greece where everyone has to serve the military at age of 18 and always wondered why the environment i grew up was so violent, coming from my parents, my teachers, the neighborhood etc.

Then i realized recently it was the military who made them that way. And now i hate military with a passion!

I remembered then my marine corp training and i have a great insight how good men are trained and humiliated constantly to become psychopaths, maniacs, killers to fight an enemy who also goes through identical training to become a psychopath, maniac, killer.

Do you see the trap the lunar scum or worm's drones make all countries and people fall into?
(It always baffled me how military training is identical in all countries and is like chinese communist dictatorship and how democratic nations allow or force this kind of training in their so called anti-communsim anti-dictatorship countries).

Like in demolition man with stallone we create a maniac to fight a maniac and by doing so we corrupt our society with maniacs we created.

It's like vaccines, here put this virus in you so you dont get the same virus that's outside of you.

They're scaring us with outside enemies/barbarians then proceed to create the same enemy/barbarian within, who then gets married and reproduce and kids get to grow up in a maniac's environment and become a maniac unless they have a good loving grandma that get to spend some time with.

If it wasnt for my grandma i would be a maniac just like those in my environment.

People think the military exists to protect them being ignorant that military's primary purpose is to protect the governor and elite from the masses if they dare to rebel against them.
(and if military fails to suppress the masses the governor/elite invites military from other countries to come invade, it has happened before many times and is called "normalization" by ex kgb agent yuri bezmenov).

In usmc boot camp when you become a marine they start brainwashing you to hate civilians calling them "nasty civilians" which bothered me a lot as americans love marines and marines hate them behind their backs.

Now why they do this? Why they brainwash the military to hate civilians? which hate can easily be seen in ex military cops killing civilians left and right with no remorse.

They know the time will come where they will use the military to do some sick shit on the masses, like force vaccinations, round them up in concentration camps etc so there needs to be some some hate and military to view civilians as subhumans.

If only civilians knew the beast they created to protect them eventually and can easily be turned against them, no one would join the military let alone talk good about it.
The brainwashing to make the masses love the military is massive, it starts from parents/ex military, schools with war loving and praising history books, religions who also have angels wear armor, hold swords and shields for subliminal military programming and if they could they would have them hold machine guns like in hollywood angel movies like legion,

 video games, movies, media, everywhere you turn you get brainwashed how great the military is.
(religion promotes subliminally also the mixing of human genes with animal genes through their angels depictions like the maleficent movies do)

And it pisses me off how military affects our society in a so deep layer where it promotes and encourages aggressive and violent behavior and its people eventually go to become school teachers, parents, cops etc and think of that behavior they got from the military to be great to use it outside of the military on the nasty civilians as they view them.

Of course our enemy is using many different types of weapons against us but no one takes notice of the military type of virus/beast and wanted to expose this here.

"I love being a marine oorah"
Meantime in the real marine corp everyone hates life(from being around maniacs like the kids who get to grow up in a maniac's house) and wants to get the hell out.(some maniac's kids eventually join the military to escape the maniac's house they grew up in and find out they didnt escape they entered the hive that created the nasty environment they grew up in!)
Then you learn about the nasty VA and how it treats veterans and get to see the real face of the beast.

It's interesting also how all the military around the globe operates on the same script like the media.
From the comments section
"I don’t care whether the message sounds like Trump’s or even Clinton’s, the fact that a single group was able to force its identical message across all those stations is disturbing."

That's exactly how i felt with the military, when in school in greece an ex military teacher was teaching us how to march and was telling us

"we dont march like the germans, we march(like idiots) naturally like human beings walk, we dont hit our boots on the ground and make sounds like frogs etc etc"

On the other side of the globe in usmc boot camp a d.i. said while teaching us how to march
 "we dont march like the germans, we march(like idiots) naturally like human beings walk, we dont hit our boots on the ground and make sounds like frogs etc etc"

Later in the fleet i found out same exact thing all DIs in bootcamp were telling to all platoons and imagine in todays germany if they say this too
"we dont march like the older germans, we march(like idiots) naturally like human beings walk, we dont hit our boots on the ground and make sounds like frogs etc etc"

This shows how just like in the media all military around the globe are taking orders and how to train their people from the same source/elite/lunar boss/worm etc which makes sense if the worm/lunar boss plans to show up or use us to fight his enemies he would want us to behave and be brainwashed/programmed in a certain way and of course be a lot servile and obedient and treat him like the king/god he wants to parade as such.

When we realize the lunar boss or worm is behind our military(like in half life 2 and dune 1984 was behind our human leaders) then it makes sense why they train us the way they do which is constant humiliation like we're subhumans(which is exactly how lunar boss/worm views us), constant fear of getting punished over anything and constant servility "yes sir, yes my king, etc" or else.

Realizing how identical the military is to media and who's behind both now military disgusts me as much media do.

Same way also all religions operate they get the same script like the media from the lunar boss and then proceed to program, scare or whatever the script says to do on the masses.

And lets not forget about the biggest abomination of all which are the schools/skulls/medusa/satan's heads who operate the exact same way and are the worst as their victims are kids compared to the other 3 which is adults.

Forgot all about the secret service of all countries has been exposed by many to be on the same team!
Movie snowpiercer showed all leaders of all countries from west to east are best friends and raise wars when the population grows too much and out of control.

China faces big problems with its population and begs for ww3, even if it loses ww3 it solves its overpopulation problem like in snowpiercer and comes out as a winner regardless.

China was created by the west into the beast that has become today and now the west plays stupid that didnt anticipated what china would become.

All leaders of countries, military, secret service, media, schools, religions are like branches of the same tree and everyone who's done the minimum research knows it.

Another reason i suspect all military has same training and ways of operation is so they can unite them as one when needed very fast in emergency cases like an alien invasion/return of odysseus/thor/hela to asgard etc.

At 0:36 just like in independence day resurgence movie the commander of earth's united forces against an alien threat(return of the king) is a chinese dude which gives away their plans to unite all nations under china and the fate of ww3 has already been decided!

From the comments section!

"Another thing in usmc bootcamp that gives away the military gets its script on how to train its people straight from the devil/lunar boss is this.

In bootcamp they train you to not even dare to look your superiors in the eye when they talk to you or you talk to them like they're the devil/medusa and you'll die on the spot if you look them in their eyes.
And they punish you a lot if you look them in the eyes.
Lunar queen in 7th son movie killed one of her soldiers on the spot for looking her in the eyes!
This is proof that this is devil's training and i suspect the lunar boss might be possessing people in the military agent smith style to enjoy this servility or plans to eventually command earth's military when united and the reason he makes sure it gets trained this way!

Also in bootcamp they destroy your identity, you're not allowed to say "I" only "this recruit".
In short they destroy your identity so you become an empty vessel or easy to be possessed by the lunar boss agent smith or professor x style.
This destruction of identity forces you into a hive mentality/mindset too. This is straight devilish shit!"

0:45 0:45!!!
The devil kills his/her soldier for looking at him!!!(He turned him into stone too medusa style, OMG!)
I nailed that shit!
Military is the devil's spawn!!!


  1. A very penetrating essay Kaboom. Once a Marine, never again. I made the choice to not participate in the script you so clearly present. I refuse fear and uncertainty and give the “world” freedom to implode. Your perspectives are yummy buttered popcorn.

    1. Thank you for the kind words!
      It baffled me also how in bootcamp and in the fleet they use constantly fear, they make marines through fear, they keep them full in fear and then expect them to be fearless in combat?
      When i deployed to afghanistan on my first convoy everyone(from lowest rank to highest rank) was hiding their face behind black sunglasses but you could still see their faces shitting bricks!
      This is the kind of warriors they create with their fear but they dont care, obedience and servility is a ll they care about and fear gives them that.
      "The few, the humiliated and miserable, the marines" is the truth!

      You chose great not to join!
      The winning move is always not to play as everything in this cave/belly of the worm is a trap!

  2. Another thing in usmc bootcamp that gives away the military gets its script on how to train its people straight from the devil/lunar boss is this.

    In bootcamp they train you to not even dare to look your superiors in the eye when they talk to you or you talk to them like they're the devil/medusa and you'll die on the spot if you look them in their eyes.
    And they punish you a lot if you look them in the eyes.
    Lunar queen in 7th son movie killed one of her soldiers on the spot for looking her in the eyes!
    This is proof that this is devil's training and i suspect the lunar boss might be possessing people in the military agent smith style to enjoy this servility or plans to eventually command earth's military when united and the reason he makes sure it gets trained this way!

    Also in bootcamp they destroy your identity, you're not allowed to say "I" only "this recruit".
    In short they destroy your identity so you become an empty vessel or easy to be possessed by the lunar boss agent smith or professor x style.
    This destruction of identity forces you into a hive mentality/mindset too. This is straight devilish shit!

      0:45 0:45!!!
      The devil kills his/her soldier for looking at him!!!(He turned him into stone too medusa style, OMG!)
      I nailed that shit!
      Military is the devil's spawn!!!

    2. "This recruit" sounds just like communism, "comrade".
      But but but the US is freeing the world from communism says Ronald the christian reagan, lolololololol.

    3. It always baffled me too how school teachers and parents praise democracy then behind closed doors act like chinese dictators. Military communists trained them well.

    4. Battalions of fear
      They search and they scream for the American dream
      Battalions of fear
      The way of R.R. to show he is the star
      Battalions of fear
      The way of R.R. to show he is the star
      Battalions, battalions

      Blind Guardian - Battalions Of Fear (Lyrics)

    5. If i could sum up military training and life in few words is
      "humiliation, fear, punishment" and it's amazing how they sell the exact opposite to get the masses to join.
      you'll be humiliated=you'll be proud
      you'll live a life in fear=you'll be brave/fearless
      you'll get punished a lot over every little thing=you'll give lots of hell/punishment to the bad guys

      bait and switch at its finest!

      They sell also that they'll make you a great warrior while their training is 100% marching like a victoria secret model on stage and jerking the rifle up and down like a penis while getting yelled at and humiliated a lot if you dont do it right and fast enough.

      They're jerking the rifle like a penis hahaha!
      After 3 months of doing that shit i was getting sick to my stomach and almost passed out one time.


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