Proof that plants and trees are fungus! UPDATE 2!
Zoom in on this pic and pay attention to the tree on the right. It looks and grows just like a mushroom!

Which verifies my decoding of the cave of children from fallout 3!
Fungus like a farmer or shepherd supports all lifeforms in this cave and at the end it consumes us all.

Damn man now i understand the importance of not to eat anything this cave has to offer, damn.
What an insidious evil place this is man!

Goku(devil in chinese) from dbz
-You're going to destroy the entire planet/plant/fungus/belly of the beast i wont let you.

Savior of humanity

I knew earth was a farm but could have never suspect of our plants/fungus to be the farmer!
And this shows the kind of mastermind the plant/fungus kingdom is!
We think we're farming it, feeding it to grow and harvesting it, turns out it is farming us! Feeding us to grow and then harvesting us and consumes us.

Now of course this can be a fractal that repeats on many levels but damn i'm amazed how smart the plant kingdom is playing us and no one has a clue.

I used to suspect plants can mind control animals but now i suspect they can mind control humans too, causing us to kill each other so they can feast on us.

I can never forget poison ivy from batman arkham asylum laughing at us that when we die we become food for her plants and how her plants emit tiny spores in the air that enter humans and animals and make us her/their pawns!

Holy moly that's the mist the plants emit far cry 5 was all about and how the plants are the backbone of the dreamworld, damnnnn! I used to think poison ivy was exaggerating when i first heard her info.

10:10 "such rich food for my babies!"
11:16 plants are possessing humans like pawns(like in iron man 3) and lunar queen says
"if anything happens to me, they'll just die!"
that's the matrix pod where we are sleeping like frieza from dbs and altered carbon s2 and are being used as a battery.
In gog vol 2 in the scene where peter was being drained like a battery he was stabbed by the root of a plant or tree!

12:37(we have the intel from potc dead men tell no tales)
-Remember if you cut/hurt me you hurt the boy!

That plant is identical to the uterus women have and it throws ovary eggs at us too hahaha ,which shows how all lifeforms on earth have been mutated by plants!
I decoded carnivores were created/mutated by plants, turns out plants like agent smith didnt spare a single lifeform from mutating it! We reproduce also similar to plants which shows how similar we are to them and how all lifeforms in this cave came or mutated from them.

And holy moly, ego from gog vol 2 he was seeding planets with a special plant that was doing "ecophagy" like the dbz tree of might and raping all women across the galaxy with his seed in order to conquer the entire universe, as he said "soon my plant/seed will be everywhere all across the universe!". And he showed later how his plant uses humans as its battery or food source.

The tree/plant of death is using humans to protect itself.
Reminded me Morpheus who said "humans will fight to protect the matreex".

At 17:10 i just noticed that tree/plant is under a dome and its head symbolizes our moon! HOLY MOLY!
Note its head has the shape of a cross and there's 3 crosses XXX=666 which is symbolism that the beast has 3 heads=moons!

She calls herself, mother nature hahaha! The stupid masses worship mother nature yet they have no clue what it truly is even when they show it to their face like in games like this.

Damn i just watched this poison ivy clip, it's a goldmine!
-You killed them all!(i knew she was talking about humans)
-They were just flowers.
(game proceeds to show humans are sleeping inside the flowers/plants, are trapped inside and plants are feeding off of them, and they get released from their cages when they have to fight to protect their queen.)
The name of catwoman who killed all humans and betrayed batman/us in dark knight rises is selina which is the moon in greek!

She replaced our blood/bone marrow intel in order to mutate us to plant like lifeform which verifies my solution of burning it and replacing it again!

-My spores will fill your lungs and kill you from within.(Our air is contaminated with plant/fungus shit intel).

-I've spent weeks perfecting(mixing) the toxins that will destroy you.
(yeap plants are chemists and poison/mixed shit is their favorite weapon).

I used to think our enemy is a person, turns out, it's some mixed shit/code/gene etc that wants to spread to the entire universe.

 I came across a video game programmer who said "code is a living breathing organism".

I suspect our ancient family that betrayed us got infected with this shit and that's why they betrayed us. It wasnt them it was this gene/mark of the beast/code/mixed shit.

Eve who ate the apple/fungus/virus/code wasnt eve anymore and adam was too naive/stupid to take notice.

Same intel we have in god of war games of zeus/odin/lucifer getting infected with some shit and went dark/evil after.


  1. Damn bro I always secretly knew this as even food turns into shit lol I believe we weren't meant 2 eat solid food or eat very little while mostly getting our energy from the sun and liquids.

    1. We have been mutated to be like this, i need to investigate possibilities to revert mutations.

  2. So glad I found your blog, as I missed your contributions on Glop.

    I’ve been thinking about your discussion about fungus and food.

    I’m wondering now what to eat? Perhaps sunlight or junk food?

    Keep the blog going. Thanks.


    1. Thank you for the kind words! Eat whatever keeps you healthy! We are mutated on the genetic level and the solution needs to be applied at the genetic level. Maybe there are some foods that can starve the nasty genes within and kill them, i need to investigate.
      Then again these bodies are most likely not our true forms so i dont know wasting time to fix them is even worth it.

    2. But if our human bodies is the spawn of our enemy and we become able to fix them, then same solution can be applied to our enemy and defeat him in his own game.


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