How To Lose Weight Fast And Easy By Pressing A Button Literally!(And Save Money!) UPDATE!

I used to weigh 298 lbs then lost 60lbs from leukemia and got my lost weight back fast by eating a lot of red meat and eggs. I was happy at 300lbs as i would get a fast good workout from push-ups pull-ups and squats but then i approached 310lbs and was like things are getting out of control i dont want to end up 400lbs.

I remember before leukemia i had tried to lose weight many times and had lost hope, i would do everything  everyone says online, running on treadmill, eat certain foods or none at all, for few months i would eat only once a day and still couldnt lose weight.

Then few days ago i took notice of an invisible enemy that is hiding in plain sight, i turned him off with a press of a button, woke up this morning weighing 6lbs less.

Heat burns fat, i learned that in afghanistan where everyone losts 40lbs in few months by doing nothing, except one guy who was very fat and gained an extra 40lbs instead, wanna know why?

While the rest of us were living in tents in the desert he was living in the main base that had freezing cold AC!

We couldnt believe our eyes seeing how all of us lost weight and he who needed the most to lose weight gained instead! Hahahaha that was so funny!

And since then forgot all about the freaking AC and how insidious it is working against us!

Now i'm so excited and i'm pissed that you never find any expert online telling you this!
And i realized why, there's no money to be made by telling someone to turn off his AC, you cant sell him anything, your sponsors cant sell him anything.

Now most of you'll be like "life is unbearable without AC", that's why i turn it off during the night! WIN WIN!!!

Seeing how secretive everyone is about the AC i'm very suspicious about it now that it might be doing other harmful things to us too like create an environment inside of us and outside for certain bacteria, viruses and genes to thrive!

And this goes to show and add more credibility to this saying
"The winning move is not to play/do nothing"

Who would have thought you can lose weight so easy!
And this is the difference guys between intelligence and stupidity/ignorance!

Ignorant people work hard, break things and then work even harder.

People online say that when you sweat you only lose weight temporarily as you only lose water you get back immediately after drinking water, ignoring the fact that heat doesnt only make you sweat but it burns fat too.

When i lost 60lbs in 2 months from leukemia, i would wake up in the morning on my bed in a pool of sweat. In afghanistan where i lost 40lbs same thing, i used to wake up on a bed full with sweat.
The human body is mainly water anyways they say so take that stupid experts, you lose water=you lose fat which is mainly water anyways.

This kind of stupid advice made me stop running on a treadmil back in the day as it made it look useless to me thinking "oh i'm losing only water by running for an hour which i'll get back by drinking a glass of water".

And cant believe these kind of idiots that bash sweating as a useless thing are all over the place online, where sweating is the main key to lose weight!

Hahaha look what i found!

"It’s commonly believed that when you lose weight, the fat that you burn is then converted into energy.
However, according to scientists at the University of New South Wales, this isn’t the case at all.
The truth is that fat is converted into carbon dioxide and water, as stated by Ruben Meerman and Professor Andrew Brown.

The problem with the idea that fat is converted into energy is that “it violates the law of conservation of matter, which all chemical reactions obey,” they wrote in The Conversation.

Meerman and Brown surveyed 150 doctors, dietitians and personal trainers to find out what they believe happens to fat when an individual loses weight.
Only three of those surveyed answered correctly, providing the conclusion that fat is converted to carbon dioxide and water.
“You exhale the carbon dioxide and the water mixes into your circulation until it’s lost as urine and sweat,” stated Meerman and Brown."

I wish i could shove this to the face of all these experts online.
As the survey showed there's mass ignorance among all those who play doctor and expert on losing weight! Only 3 from 150 doctors and experts got it right, are you kidding me?

You sweat you lose fat! Fat is water! The human body is water!
The ignorance is over 9000 like in everything else in this damn tree cave we live in.


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