Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith Decoded +UPDATE!

In this one we have lunar boss as general grievous being called a coward and on the hiding and is hiding in the bottomless pit/mine/cave earth holding the population as hostages too.

Hahaha they just showed general grievous inside a small sphere on the side wall of the bottomless pit/cave earth, classic moon symbolism!

Through robot general grievous they reveal what i have decoded that robots like in the mandalorian series and the bs AI they have in the works just like robocop are actually human lifeforms that have been converted/augmented to resemble robots.

They cannot create human level AI without a human brain in the background and the AI that will be superior to human intelligence will be because it will have a shit ton of human brains in the background connected like a hive mind.

They even revealed in episode 2 clones/organic lifeforms have creative and superior thinking to machines.


Lunar boss as lord sith blackmails that if he gets destroyed then our loved ones will die.
This is the blackmailing towards our ancient family that if they go after him they will lose their loved ones/us.

He's also the one who like judas betrayed and killed that powerful being that could resurrect the dead(god symbolism) in his sleep after he taught him everything he knew. I can correctly guess he was his father/foster father like in sekiro, thor movies etc.

But you cant kill god/our original form so like in westworld season 3, thor 1 movie etc he put him to sleep and according to the bible the sleep/dream lasts 3 days/3 thousand years in the dreamworld.
I suspect he poisoned us with a drug that puts us to sleep and it takes 3 days to wear off.
As hunger games revealed poison is his favorite weapon.

Order 66 is short for 666 and it looks it activates his sleeper genes/mark of the beast within us and he takes control of us agent smith style.

The kids that got slaughtered in the temple symbolize us and the one who killed them in the beginning they thought of him as their savior. The bible and bardock dbz movie inform us before the real savior shows up the false savior/lunar boss will show up. So while is good to know there are good people that try to save us is very important to be aware of the lunar boss using that knowledge against us.

Lord sidious giving the order for all droids to get shut down reminded me similar wheel chair lunar boss order from surrogates movie(where he said "we died the moment we plugged/connected into these damn machines/human bodies"). In surrogates when the human organic machines shut down the sleepers wake up so it's actually a good thing.

In hollywood movies they always try to demonize good things by having the bad guy trying to execute them.

Anakin was right, the jedi=judas are the bad guys and the rebels against the empire who's goal was to bring peace to the universe.

Mandalorian series showed similar thing saying "everywhere and everything the empire goes and touches becomes a wonderful place while everything the rebels touch becomes chaotic and barbaric".

I suspect the star wars movies were created for subconscious programming and demonization of the existed galactic empire that has defeated the lunar scum all across the galaxy and now they're after their last hideout/earth!

30 years researcher raymond drake said in ancient times humans on earth knew they were enslaved and evil rules this land as the lunar scum werent hiding like they do now and raymond drake said "and then all of a sudden the evil rulers of earth disappeared like they were gone/left earth".

Like in the trojan war and V tv series revealed they are not gone but went into ruling earth behind the scenes and hiding their fleet also behind our moon V series showed to our face(in troy they went into hiding behind an island close to troy/earth, moon symbolism) so humans forget evil is here and fight the galactic empire thinking they're the evil coming to earth to enslave us.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
As long humans become aware evil is already here and for a very long time it wont take long to realize who the upcoming aliens really are.

At the end they showed our moon/deathstar that is under construction/repair, thast's where most of the stuff we dig out of earth go.
And lunar boss as little demon yoda was shown to be hiding in a crater in our very moon!

Just noticed we have the intel here of killing our space loved ones by mistake thinking they're coming to kill us!

Lord sith smiling told anakin "you killed your loved one out of anger"
Anakin almost killed his loved one thinking she came to kill him but in reality she came to save him and take him away from a place that looked literally like hell!


  1. So awesome how literally everything put out by the controlled opposition in music, text and film is literally symbology of truth! I'm starting to notice much of it in music now too that eye am seaing differently, specifically pink floyd jams. We once were a great majestic civilization that was hijacked and enslaved to what we could call a cowardly but not dumb lunar boss. The movie iron sky: The coming race, oh man that one is sure full of subliminal Intel. Most notably the sun scene where its shown they create our artificial light in the sky. With so much trickery in this realm of illusion controlled by sleep agents the only things that seem real any more is every detail of mass teachings down to religious beliefs may just very well be fabricated only to keep us living in fear rebooting back here insuring we dont gain the actuality of what we truly are. Its seems we are up against a timeline, more so recently as events are compressing more rapidly. Is this because the lunar boss is running out of the 3 day/3000 year sleep drug sedation period, Which would put us around the 2030 year? guess that makes sense now more to me with the 2030 UN agenda of politics.

    1. Thank you for reminding iron sky, i have that movie but keep forgetting to watch it, the coming race i suspect to symbolize the chinese who plan to genocide and replace all other races on earth.
      Yeah it feels to me too the lunar boss is running out of time like he's racing against the clock of when we wake up or the timeline our loved ones gave him to surrender before they take earth away from him by force.
      In mandalorian series final episode he was given one day to surrender by the forces that came to rescue the child he had kidnapped. That one day can symbolize the one day remaining until the year 3000 as now the 2nd day is almost over which is at 2033. I have suspected the 3rd day might be over by 2033 as the year 3000 in battlefield earth took place in the year 2000 in our calendar which is the year 2033 in the elite's calendar.

  2. Bro, d you have I have a reddit? There's someone I want you to talk to


  3. Or at least Read his blog:

    You guys remind me of each other, you can help each other figure shit out.


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