Star Wars Episode II Attack Of The Agent Smiths UPDATE!

The hidden planet from the universe symbolizes earth, the traitor jedi the lunar boss and goes by the name sifo=ofis(snake in greek) dias=zeus in greek and it's also short for diablo.

Like in darksiders 2 he creates an army on earth to fight the galactic empire.

Holy moly the army the lunar boss creates on earth are clones of himself!

That's us! Matrix and westworld s3 i recently decoded showed we are the clones/copies of him!

No wonder why all video games we play and entertainment in general is based on shooting, violence and combat.(sneaky bastards they are!)
Doesnt take much to fight the galactic empire, pick up a gun point and shoot, video games provide more than enough training and programming to love violence, action, war etc.

Not to mention the lunar boss doesnt count on us winning but just to buy him enough time, cause distraction so he can escape, and get his fill watching us killing our ancient family as like in matrix we might be copies of him now but beneath his layer like in the borg army from star trek the old ancient us still exists, it's still there.(He keeps it/us there for a reason, see potc dead men tell no tales blackmailing his enemies telling them "remember you cut me you cut the/your boy", we're dealing with an evil chess mastermind here).

Same in westworld, dolores copies were hiding the original personality beneath her layer/genes she forced written on them like agent smith in matrix.

In short those clones are old/ancient people reprinted/reborn and overwritten like hard drives.

Lunar boss here is also a bounty hunter just like in the mandalorian and riddick dark fury.

They just revealed the lunar scum are building a deathstar moon, more likely repairing it and turning also earth into a weapon as the last jedi movie revealed.(see starkiller base)

3 moons were shown going to orbit and they were called starships!

They just showed douku's spaceship traveling space like a sailboat, similar sailboat and a mothership we had in alien covenant.

Goes to show how they're lying out of their asses about space through science and in their sacred/holly-wood movies show us the real deal to our face.

Anakin lost one arm like dolores did in westworld, classic cripple lunar boss symbolism.

Lunar boss as douku escaped earth while his clones/androids were fighting the galactic empire.
What did i tell you, buy him time so he can escape is the plan, he doesnt expect us to win.

Also they said if the galactic empire gets to kill him here on earth the war ends on the spot as papa dragon/lunar boss from avatar 2009 revealed the war is never over as long  he's alive.

That's a lot of hate he has and sekiro correctly portray him as "the demon of hatred".

Also this movie verified what i have decoded of earth having 3 moons.
(They even showed 3 planetary bodies/moons in orbit apart from the 3 moon like starships that were shown later)

At the end when yoda says "the shroud of the dark side has fallen, the war just begins", means hidden earth is not hidden anymore and the galactic empire is here having earth surrounded and full with undercover agents(jedis). Lunar boss is in trouble, lets hope he doesnt succeed blowing up earth or us on his way out like alice/red cripple and full of hate lunar queen did to our underground cave in resident evil final chapter.

The intel of communications to have been cut off and forbidden with the outside world was shown also here.
Damn man all hollywood movies try to be documentaries!

Hahaha look what youtube just showed me
 Star Wars: Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire
Wonder what the hidden empire symbolizes, you tell me.

I keep an open mind and try to find all possible scenarios.

I just noticed this movie showed the lunar boss on earth dooku is working for the leader of the galactic empire that sent his forces to conquer/take back earth.

This reminded me the intel from the bible with Lot where god ordered satan to go and torture him, that satan still works/takes orders from god and that he didnt really rebel and might have been used by god as a secret double agent to take control of the dark side. This strategy is called "control the opposition by leading it yourself".

(The clones fighting the bounty hunter/mandalorian on earth who shares the same blood/dna with them(as they came from him) is the intel of turning us against our ancient family that will come here and us like the clones being unaware we're blood related.)

Similar intel we have in the rock 1996 movie where lunar boss is bluffing that will kill all mankind and is actually a good guy. But the guys that surround him are evil and will force him or kill him if he steps out of the plan.

Similar intel we have in defenders netflix series where elektra stole the throne of the lunar scum and they let her keep the throne to use her as she's really smart and when they dont need her kill her.

In riddick movies we have same intel, lunar boss stole the throne of the bad guys and many in his circle want him dead as he doesnt share the same blood with them and is an outsider like in blade 1 with the human vampire that became leader of the original vampires.

Shit might be going much deeper than they look and rock 1996 movie showed that even if the lunar boss is bluffing and is a good guy not to relax as his circle will finish what he is supposed to do if he doesnt do it.
Lower lighthouse symbolizes our moon.


  1. So do you feel project blue beam may just be a psyop for the masses to get us to fight our family when they come back? Also, if we are created by the lunar boss as army soldiers, where would our higher self reside, the moon? If so would that mean our energy was too created there or yet instead enslaved to keep us stuck in a reincarnation cycle on this prison farm?

    1. Yeah project blue beam is part of the staged/fake alien invasion to demonize the real ones who will be coming shortly after. I wouldnt say we were created by the lunar boss but converted/infected to be a copy of him like in matrix 2/3. Avatar 2009 showed our real self who is asleep is either on an island that orbits earth(moon symbolism) or somewhere close by here on earth. I suspect underground/beneath our feet and most likely under a pyramid who are energy generators that harvest that energy from our sleeping bodies and send it to the moons i suspect. Island 2005 and maze runner 2,3 showed the reason we have to experience human life while we're asleep is so our sleeping bodies produce the liquids/fluids or organs they're harvesting. Maze runner and doolhouse tv series showed the more we experience pain and terror on earth the faster our sleeping bodies produce the liquids they need to harvest. This explains why they always keep creating horrifying events on earth and pain and drama even between couples, friends and family members.
      They need those fluids badly like maze runner 2,3 showed.

    2. So if/when we wake up from our slumber like neo, unto a sea of pods in that form, are we at our higher "self" then? or are we still asleep only to be awaken from that dream as well? How many levels to these dream states do you feel may exist like the movie inception? and in your mind where do you see the connection to a creator if you will, machine maybe? Also, super pumped for you to have your own blogspot, so rad! Thanks for sharing your perceptions with us, very enlightening. Hope all is well with your health✊

    3. In the evil within video game similar thing was shown, they have created a dream level with sleeping pods to fool us that we have awaken in our true form so we need to keep an open mind. Neo woke up in a clone manufactured body, that wasnt his original form. I suspect our original form is unique and indestructible like wolverine, prometheus etc and like in westworld season 3 they cant destroy it or get rid of it so they put it to sleep and use trickery to keep it asleep in dreamworlds, wireless connected bodies/realities so it doesnt wake up like wolverine in apocalypse and cause massive damage.

      Be aware they plan to eventually wake up our original wolverine form when they can fool us into unleashing our wrath to the wrong people.
      About the creator, to create first you have to destroy as like in the bible with adam and wonder woman both were created from the rubble of something that existed and got destroyed before them. I keep an open mind as always but energy always comes from somewhere so creators are actually converters, they take something that exists and manipulate it to a different form.

      Thank you for the kind words! I recently found a new cayenne pepper extract(from dr schultz) and doing much better.


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