Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back And The Sewer Comes Back. Decoded!

We have intel here that we live under an energy field/dome and the galactic empire to have located us, in the beginning they were planning a surprise attack but realized the lunar scum here are aware of them so they landed their forces on ground outside the energy field so they can enter earth from there as the energy field/dome is impenetrable. The border of the energy field appears to be at Antarctica!
They also revealed they have deployed a fleet all around our dome so nothing leaves/escapes this place.

Cannibal lunar boss was shown as a white bear with devil's horns having us sleeping in his cave hanging upside down(like spiders do to their food) and consuming us one by one. And if that wasnt enough lunar boss symbolism luke cut off one of his arms. Now isnt that classic cripple lunar boss symbolism.
They did the same to dolores, vader, windu, luke, freiza etc, everyone who symbolizes the lunar boss/queen eventually loses one arm, one eye or one leg or both.

After luke was buried in ice(died as human symbolism) he woke up in a matrix pod full with water.
(I suspect that to symbolize our sleeping form or a clone form they have in the waiting to replace our current form when it expires or gets killed.)

The white sphere with the ion cannon firing at the galactic empire  symbolizes our moon.

At 1:31:06 of the movie they show earth with 3 moons!

Next they show solo going through the bottomless pit to escape the galactic empire and luke landing on a hidden planet that is a sewer and a monster hidden in the sewage. This is identical sewer intel from the previous movie i decoded.
The monster of the sewer can symbolize the sewer itself/belly of the beast.
In the previous movie luke was baptized in the sewer pool, here R2 was baptized and released after as the monster infected him/planted his seed/genes in him.(Similar demonic baptism we have in silent hill the room ending where we fight the lunar boss to prevent our loved one from getting fully baptized and losing her).
Luke says right after "this place is like a dream"=dreamworld matrix intel!(Neo got baptized in silver goo before entering the human flesh/clone/cheap imitation of our real immortal wolverine form, william from westworld 3 was so right when he was fighting his clone).

They show next earth is within an asteroid field and darth vader had to get out of it in order to communicate with the outside world. This is the intel that all communications with the outside world have been cut off and are forbidden like gods of egypt movie told to our face.

Holy moly, they just showed our cave/sewer is the belly of the beast! On the money again!!!
The beast is actually a snake and it just reminded me the snake princess from dbz telling goku
"you live in the belly of a snake hallucinating human life"
Similar intel we have in the new god of war game with "world serpent"! get it? "world is a serpent!=belly of the beast"
Apophis from god of egypt came to mind who consumed earth like the planet eater unicron and beast planet from shadow raiders and mortal machines which gives away the plane we live on wasnt always the belly or part of the beast.

Next we have intel the sewer cave is the land of the dead and a very cold place.(frozen in ice dreaming human life like in demolition man movie).
Yoda revealed that our flesh is not our true form and that we're luminous beings.
He called our flesh crude matter=black goo.
Word luminous doesnt excite me either as is subliminal for battery.

Wow next we have intel that eventually the sewer earth will get flushed(flood deja vu?) and that's the opportunity for the lunar scum and their moon to escape earth riding along with the garbage that will get flushed out.

Now i noticed the sewer hercules cleaned out in mythology by flooding it symbolizes earth!

The city in the sky symbolizes our moon and through 3po they showed that's where they recycle us, kill us burn us and give us new form like in dbz city in the sky/moon.
Solo asks the lunar boss if he afraids of the galactic empire finds out what's he doing to us and shutting him down. Lunar boss reveals that he has made deals with the galactic empire(or that he works for them as i have suspected too, control the opposition/dark side by leading it yourself).

I'm not trusting the galactic empire either, cant trust anything anymore.

Next they showed us how they have our original form in the moon frozen like a medusa statue.
Solo's frozen statue looks like a battery too, clever subliminal right there how they are harvesting our energy like they did to wolverine in x-men apocalypse.

Just noticed darth vader has a chinese letter on his mask right between his eyes which gives away he's of the chinese/cain's bloodline. His suit looks asian too like shredder's from tmnt.
He's our father only cause we share the same genes he forced into our bloodline like agent smith but we have more family than him.
I have decoded also darth vader means dark father!

When he asks luke to join him to rule the galaxy together same exact thing was shown in guardians of the galaxy 2 right before he consumed us like cronus from mythology who eats his own children and here right after luke gets consumed by the bottomless pit/world serpent/belly of the beast. Which gives away just like in gog 2 the planet/cave/bottomless pit/world serpent is our father and darth vader like Ego is an extension/projection of the bigger construct/planet.

Holy moly that was some intense decoding and gog vol 2 helped a lot here dissecting this scene!
It's amazing how one movie helps decode another!
Same exact scene we have in transformers 1986 movie when planet eater unicron makes deals with megatron while he stands right above its mouth/bottomless pit.

He told also luke like hades when he was right above his mouth/bottomless pit "there's no escape"(from his belly) and that he's the only way(jesus subliminal).

Just like in the earlier bottomless pit scene with solo same here the bottomless pit was shown to lead to earth and the mouth/exit of the beast to be our very moon!
Same exact intel we have in lucy in the sky movie poster.

That shows we live in a well/pit and the moon its exit/mouth/head of the beast!
(Most likely blocking the exit like cyclops' giant rock that sealed our cave).
Eclipses contain this intel too of our moon sealing the exit/sun oculus/sungate of our cave like cyclops' rock.

Luke hanging from underneath the moon is same intel from earlier where he was hanging upside down from the ceiling of the cannibal's cave.

Leia telling solo "you know nothing about women" and going and kissing luke in front of him as she just did it again disrespects women as it shows that all women are sluts and we men too stupid to notice it.(reminded me alpha males strategies youtube channel that calls all women sluts and my uncle that told me recently about the slut gene most women have and i educated him that all humans have it and it's the sin gene/original sin/mark of the beast that makes us do a lot more things than adultery).

Millennium falcon that looks just like the rock cyclops uses to seal our cave/grave(classic moon symbolism)
they keep showing how it's under repair like the broken moon from dead space 3 and it cannot leave/go to lightspeed until it has been repaired.
I have decoded most of the things we mine out of earth go to repair the moon.

I suspect another scenario if the moon is being used like a cyclops rock to seal our cave and is now broken then somebody has already managed to escape and our opportunity to get out of the cave would be before the moon/door/gate gets repaired, and in that case the holograms they have covering the moon can play the role hiding that is broken and that the gate is open and we can get out.


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