Mandalorian episode 7 and 8 Decoded, UPDATE!

Episode 7
In this episode we have intel of the lunar scum empire that has been defeated all across the universe and their last stronghold/city is our very planet/cave.(They said "the city is dug in pretty deep" which gives away we're underground)

Similar intel we have in gods of egypt where all gods/lunar scum have been defeated and are hiding behind a wall/dome which is called also the land of the dead, the only place left for Set(current galactic empire symbolism) to conquer.

We have also the intel from movie wanted and father darth vader where they will use a child/his loved one to get close to him so they can kill him. The child symbolizes us the fools who will fight the evil aliens/saviors.

This episode confirms what i learned about the evil genes. It doesnt matter how much you program/train a human being to be good, if he has evil genes your training goes against its nature and nature always wins, unless you have access to the metal/genes where in that case you can edit/change its nature.

They revealed also humans being born in gene farms(where you have control and access to the metal/genes like with vulkan and dx12 in computers) are strong and pretty while those who get created naturally through sex evolve into really ugly weak and childish beings.(It's similar to procedural and handcrafted videogames, natural=procedural/random/ugly, handcrafted=masterpiece).

Next we have intel of the galactic empire to have earth surrounded and are here for the little devil/lunar boss who's hiding in a spaceship no weapon can breach its walls. That's the 30 miles deep titanium hull moon according to russian academics vasin and scherbakov.

By the way when they freed lunar qin in previous episode it reminded when they freed yoda in ep2 and was like are they showing us the same script over and over again just to make it more obvious who michelangelo's yoda really is? And in this episode intro that shows scenes from previous episodes right after they freed Qin they showed mando freeing yoda, which makes it even more obvious qin=yoda=ugly devil. They had yoda in star wars the last jedi shoot lighting from his fingers which is the signature move of the evil ones and left a lot of fans scratching their heads.

Episode 8
This one shows the lunar scum who are surrounded and trapped in domed earth trying to use earth's 2nd hidden exit to escape the galactic forces.

Wow they just revealed the structure we live in/earth will be razed/vaporized, here they made it look like it's the galactic empire that will blow up earth but filmmaker lunar boss keeps showing in tons of other movies, animes and video games that it will be him who will destroy earth on his way out like he did in maze runner scorch trials to cover his tracks. Funny how it's the same actor in this episode who is about to blow up earth and symbolizes also here tyrant lunar boss.

The lunar queen just revealed that she's not leaving earth until she completely mines it dry.
This episode like the previous one gave away the robots symbolize humans!
And the robot just said "there's nothing to be sad about i've never been alive" which shows i correctly decoded in the prison ship episode the robots to symbolize the dead/asleep humans.

They just showed the galactic empire is aware of earth's 2nd hidden exit and are blocking that too.

The robot getting self blowing up when captured is the lunar boss's farewell gift to our ancient family when they capture/reunite with their dead loved ones/humans from hades/earth.
What a present, just like in westworld s3 lunar boss gives our ancient family hope that they will succeed getting what they want and at the last minute take it away.

Wow this just reminded a universal soldier type of movie i saw when very young where a brother finally found his lost brother that they had turned him into robocop/robot and when robocop recovered his memories and remembered his ancient family/brother a bomb that was planted in him went off right at the grand reunion!

Oh shit it's the Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms, i'm so watching this again!

At the end this episode revealed if and when "the scum and villainy get washed away, earth can become a very nice place to live on like it used to be in ancient times".

In this episode we had again "no man/living thing can see my face and live" intel, when the robot went to remove lunar boss's mask he was about to get killed and it told him "dont worry i'm not a living thing".

By the way masked lunar boss reminded me masked vega with the snake tattoo from street fighter 2 that tried to rape chun li and eat her which verified how he spreaded his genes and contaminated our bloodlines in ancient times and who ate the neanderthals too westworld informed us about.

Lunar boss have us blow up when we reunite with our ancient family is what westworld season 3 showed to our face!
Hale escaped delos/luna park earth that was under lockdown and as soon she reunited with her family she blew up.
Dragonballz with android 16 had similar intel of the lunar boss placing bombs in his androids/robocops/humans.

Also in the 8th mandalorian episode i see the intel of the lunar boss sending us to our loved ones that await for us at the exits of earth/hades cave and have us blow up there so the blocked exits get unblocked so then he can escape.

In westworld s1 or s2 with maeve we had similar intel of the extreme measures the lunar boss has taken so we dont escape this cave with a happy ending.


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