Mandalorian episode 5 and 6 UPDATE

Episode 5
Again earth with its two moons were shown here. This one was about the lunar queen who has a big bounty on her head and many from all over the universe are coming for her. Many were afraid also to go after her knowing how dangerous she is.

Episode 6
Same intel lunar queen(her name was Qin here and was a transgender too hahaha) trapped in prison ship earth and a fool went and liberated her by taking her place.(communications cut with the outside world was shown also here and lunar boss as mandalorian to have taken over the prison ship and running the whole show).
Reminded me lunar boss from gods of egypt that was looking for someone to take his place.
And this reminds me also atlas/trickster lunar boss from mythology where in order to go free someone else had to take his place.

Now that's interesting!

At the end the galactic empire showed up and blew up what i suspect to symbolize our moon.
(and mandalorian/lunar boss escaped!)
At least they showed here the ones who blew up the moon were the good guys unlike the independence resurgence movie who had them as evil aliens.

I noticed by the way on episode 1 where they gave yoda god symbolism in episode 2 they gave the mandalorian judas symbolism who betrayed god/yoda for the money and rofled so hard.

In episode 6 they showed also how cold qin/lunar queen is towards her own family leaving them behind to die while she/he escapes.

I wonder who that family symbolizes man hahahaha, jupiter ascending man, it's us!
She's like the evil sister from rambo last blood that sold us to slavery, like judas sold jesus.

Damn episode 6 goes deep!

That halo spaceport that got blew up while mandalorian/lunar boss escaped symbolized earth as this is his exact plan of how to escape earth!
His hidden from the galactic empire spaceship symbolizes also hidden from the universe earth.

And like in alien covenant and tron legacy same here he was the one who invited the galactic empire and showed them how to get here, like in mythology with cyclops who unaware helped odysseus/lunar boss escape the cave by opening the door same thing with the galactic empire, lunar boss looks he needs them to come here to open the door of earth so he can escape.

Like in tron legacy when the invited from the lunar boss son entered the matrix to rescue his father he opened the door/sungate and now the lunar boss could escape.

The halo earth in mandalorian ep 6 got blew up by 3 X wings spaceships, XXX=666 symbolism and i suspect they symbolize the 3 moons of earth!

The evil sister from rambo last blood was a step sister by the way coming from a different bloodline like loki from thor! I knew it there was no way the lunar boss to be of the same bloodline with our saviors as the good genes would never have allow him to be so evil.

The prison ship in ep6 that had only one organic lifeform(running the show) and the rest were robots, it's the same intel with alien covenant's planet and mothership, the robots symbolize the dead/asleep and the organic the one who's awake/alive/lunar boss/david in alien covenant.


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