Cayenne Pepper Extract Kicks Cancer's Ass! UPDATE (My personal experience with the criminal hospitals!) UPDATE 2 How to Become God!

Feels like the holy fire that burns only the bad guys and spares the good guys compared to the chemo fire that simply burns everyone.

I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia back in september, i escaped from 3 hospitals my loved ones took me to as they tried to do me chemo, i tried every alternative treatment under the sun except cayenne pepper and at the end i was dying and had no choice but to do chemo.

Chemo didnt cure me but it brought down my leukemia to 15% and the doctors tried to scare me that it will spread again and kill me and wanted me to do bone marrow transplant.

What helped me big time after the chemo was the amphotericin b antifungus iv and according to tulio simoncini it only works when leukemia is low. So maybe i was lucky that i did chemo before it to bring leukemia down to 15% from over 65%.(it could be well over 80% as i did chemo 2 months after the 65% diagnosis).

Leukemia felt like it was coming back couple months after so i decided to give cayanne pepper extract 200k hu a try and it helped a lot. Few months after that i was feeling strange again and i got dr sculze's cayenne extract which is a mix of many different cayenne peppers and that thing kicks ass.

I wanted to let you guys know about that as no one recommends cayenne pepper extract for cancer and to me it did and does wonders!

It trumps fenbendazole which did nothing for me(they say it takes months to work) while cayenne pepper extract you feel it work immediately!

When you're dying from acute cancer you dont have months for fenbendazole, juicing, diet, rife frequencies etc to do their work, you need something that works fast and cayenne extract does that.

I dont push it as a cure as like amphotericin b and other things might be effective when cancer is low, if cancer is high and you already tried everything you might wanna do chemo, then amphotericin b iv(very important!) and then fenbedazole and cayenne extract.

That's what worked for me.

Oh and eating a lot of red meat, eggs and lemonade!

And no sex or ejaculation!!!(every time i do cancer feels coming back and i rush to consume cayenne extract!) If you cant resist the urges of the flesh limit it to 1 time every 2 days no more.

There's a chinese guy in london real youtube channel that teaches how to have sex without ejaculating but i dont trust him as he confirms the body still drains itself and all fluids accumulate in the prostate gland and then with some voodoo type magic he vaporizes the fluids from the prostate gland to return to the brain.

The winning move as always is not to play.


I wanna add some valuable details from my experiences with the hospitals i visited when my leukemia was high.

I said earlier that i escaped from them as they brought psychiatrists to make me look crazy so they dont allow me to leave. The psychiatrists ask you tricky questions and some dont even tell you they're psychiatrists and are dressed as civilians so they catch you off guard and unprepared to deal with them.

The reason i visited more than one hospital was because the others were advertising trials alternative to chemotherapy and when i went there they told me that i have to do chemo first before the trials.

Another shady thing hospitals do they give you just enough blood to keep your hemoglobin at 7 as above 7 you feel strong and you might leave their hospital and them lose their customer .
When hemoglobin is at 7 or below you feel tired and have to be on bed all the time, plus when hemoglobin is above 10 your body feels stronger, performs better and has higher chances to heal itself so hospitals keeping the hemoglobin of their patients at 7 is straight up criminal!

It used to be 10 back in the day and they changed it to 7. I suspect they were curing and losing a lot of customers so they made changes to keep the customer as long as they can at the hospital.

Plus ted from earthclinic site informs in thailand they cure leukemia with a lot of blood transfusions!
Which reveals how important is for the hemoglobin to be high in cancer patients and hospitals are keeping it at its lowest on purpose!

And if that's not enough you have the criminal administration of the hospitals who all should be thrown to jail as after they have milked your insurance or the money government pays them for you they come up with lies and excuses to kick you out of the hospital.

My immune system was zero and hemoglobin was 7 and i was on IV to fight a lung infection i got due to my immune system being zero from the chemo and they were telling me that i'm good to go home(and die) and that hemoglobin being 7 and platelets at 10 perfectly fine and my immune system was still 0!

Where to get me as their customer in their hospital when i first visited them with same exact numbers (hemoglobin 6.8 and platelets 17) they were telling me i will die the same night with these numbers if i dont stay at their hospital and when platelets are below 50 you risk of dying from internal bleeding.

They're all a bunch of liars and crooks and i'm lucky to still be alive. It's better to stay away from the hospitals if you can and if you have to go you must know how to deal with them.

Demand a lot of blood transfusions and your hemoglobin to be at 10 as minimum, you're paying these bastards they must listen, call a lawyer if you have to to scare them, they get scared a lot when they think of lawsuits. Remember hemoglobin is very important, in thailand they are curing leukemia with a lot of blood transfusions alone.

Doctors will say all kind of excuses why they keep your hemoglobin at 7, you demand to keep it at 10 or higher(like they used to back in the day) or leave their hospital for another and have a lawyer sue them.

Demand also amphotericin b iv after the chemo, they know the relation between fungus and cancer and they say "cancer causes fungal infections" so they keep it secret that cancer is a fungus.

So you simply tell them
"I know cancer causes fungal infections so i want amphotericin b iv asap"

If you dont wanna do chemo and wanna do the trials instead call them before going to get confirmation and if they deny you trials ask another doctor to speak to. When i left the 3rd hospital different doctors called me and they were trying to make me go back for the trials. So they can put you straight to trials, immunotherapy etc and avoid chemo if you pressure them or keep demanding to speak to a different doctor, threat to sue and lastly leave their hospital and when they keep calling you every day begging you to come back make sure they'll do you the trials before going back.

Also during blood transfusions they love to give you irradiated blood instead of the normal one. Demand the normal one as the irradiated one was giving me all kinds of skin problems and was making the back of my head swell. Plus radiation causes cancer so that's another crime hospitals do giving radiated cancerous blood to cancer patients. They will give you hard time for the good blood, you have to fight for it, demand it have people with you to raise hell.

There are good people and evil people(nurses, doctors) at the hospitals but at the end of the day they're all puppets of the administration of the hospital who is always evil!
There was a good doctor that when i told him they try to kick me out while my numbers are horrible, he told me all about the administration of the hospitals and how to speak to and fight them so i can stay longer. But i wasnt ready or strong enough to go through this emotional turmoil, get angry, yell at them etc(which could affect my health for the worse) and thank goodness i got amphotericin b soon after and felt really good and when i told them "ok i'll go home" they got so happy and they stopped bothering me every two hours trying to brainwash me and convince me that i'm good to go home. They want you to make the decision to leave so you cant sue them that they kicked you out when your numbers were horrible, so they bother you all the time, stress you out, make your life miserable so you have enough and want to leave.

They were never meant to give me amphotericin b, i got a fungal infection after consuming a tiny dot of thc oil at the hospital someone brought me and got heavy fevers after and gave me amphotericin b for that which did also wonders for my leukemia as my numbers jumped high overnight and a female doctor came and told me "no leukemia is showing anymore in your blood".

That was me experience with the crooked criminal hospitals, hope you found some useful information here.


Forgot to tell you guys about the 4th hospital that specialized in bone marrow transplants, i went there to get information with no intention of doing anything else.

There was a good doctor there who told me my numbers are stone cold good the past couple months and he thinks i might not need any more chemo or bone marrow transplant and to wait for the top dog doctor to arrive to get his advice.

The top doctor arrived dressed in a suit like a wall street guy and said
"test that shows you're cured from cancer doesnt exist" and advised me to do more chemo and then bone marrow transplant so the cancer doesnt come back.

The reason you're never cured from cancer is because it's genetic, the root of the problem is in genes so for the cure you have to go after the nasty genes!
But if you dare to go there you open the pandora box, satan from the moon might land on your house like in witcher 3 dlc to stop you on your tracks.

As when you go to the genes you gain admin rights to your human body and that's where all the magic happens, you might unlock god=superman=pureman by mistake and satan/lunar boss cant allow that.

So the doctors will never go after the nasty genes/mark of the beast/original sin as they're business (if not worse working for the lunar boss directly) and profit is all they care for.

I noticed in dbz when kami purified himself from the evil within he became god!
And i realized how a god can become human and a human god.

A human is a combination of good and evil. Good=God, Evil=Devil

You take out or kill the devil or his genes within only god remains and bam you're god again just like in ancient times before the black goo/genes of satan contaminated us agent smith/skynet/venom/buu style.

0:45 goldmine intel!

And thanks to my recent cancer experience i now know how to burn the devil within.
It's similar to car t-cell therapy.
You take samples of your bone marrow out, you purify them, destroy the evil/devil genes and keep the good=god.

You burn the rest bone marrow of your body with 30 days of chemo.
Now you put back the purified bone marrow that contains only good=god genes and bam you're god again.

But not so fast!
You might need a special gas mask like in scientologist battlefield earth movie as satan/lunar boss has contaminated our air with his genes and soon you might get contaminated again and all your efforts and pain you went through go in vain.

So these are the obstacles left to overcome, how to remain pure after the purification, how to find a doctor willing to help purify ourselves and identify which genes are good and which evil and how to fight the lunar scum after who if they cant kill us after most likely will go after our loved ones to blackmail us.

We open the pandora box and i dont feel like dealing with the hell that will come after so i choose not to play that game.

I might when i grow old and all my loved ones are gone and have nothing left to lose.
That if they dont kill us all by 2033 that is.


  1. Thank you for sharing such a powerful testimony, very valuable information.

    Have you ever takin any colloidal silver? Here, the local old timers say they'd put pre 64' coins in their drinking water to help eliminate doctor's visits. Seems billy Carson has some powerful words towards it as well.

    1. Thank you for the kind words!
      I was drinking colloidal silver back in september when my leukemia was high and it didnt do anything. The thing i realized is everyone is different, things that work for some dont work for everyone.


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