Battlefield Earth decoded.

I'm watching this movie right now, we have intel that we live in a cave and the outside world to be full of green/life and outsiders are called greeners, the sorcerer/stregobor with the monster energy drink logo/666 on his face was the leader in the cave and symbolizes the lunar boss, earth was shown as a ruined city under a glass dome and the atmosphere to be contaminated so unauthorized visitors from the outside world cannot survive here.

They just revealed as soon they finish mining earth they plan to kill all humans before they leave for the next planet/cave to mine and that we're food to them too!

Next we have intel when the galactic forces enter the dome like in matrix 3 cave the lunar scum will blow up the dome/earth. Now where else have i seen this intel, just about everywhere.

They just showed the war that's taking place right above earth's dome!!! Spaceships crashing on earth's dome and everything, holy moly!

Oh and lunar boss like in hobbit 2 movie trying to escape with all earth's gold hahaha!
They showed also how the lunar boss stole the throne of earth's kingdom from the previous king with blackmailing and how he was sent here originally as punishment for a crime he did/raping a woman(Eve from the bible?)(as earth was shown to be the worst place in the universe(worse than hell) and him like agent smith and black goo from star trek skin of evil wanting off this planet/cave badly). The cycles sentense symbolize reincarnation cycles/human lives like in man of steel.

Wow lunar boss here was shown like agent smith was originally the head of security for earth and it reminded me the head of security from westworld s3 ep 7 where when man in black found out he was ford's pawn he completely lost it.

Now i suspect ford's consciousness to be hiding in the head of security in westworld as he symbolizes the lunar boss too and ford like dolores copies himself in everything he can get his hands on like he did to bernard.

This movie showed also how the lunar scum took over earth and that was when earth's forces left to fight a war in a part of the galaxy earth was left defenseless and the rest is history.
They showed also first thing the lunar scum did when came here was contaminating the atmosphere with their genes and a toxicity only their kind and people with their genes can tolerate and survive on.

Wow they showed also how the lunar boss has rigged our human bodies to explode like the human bombs from iron man 3. The bomb here was the halo saints wear in religious paintings and the dead in dbz which in this movie and legion 2010 was shown to be also a neck shackle.(in afterlife if you see someone wear a halo or try to put one on you run away, it's a bomb and a prison shackle!)

Wow they just showed earth exploding krypton style and the shockwave of the explosion pushing the moon away from here which like i decoded in star trek with the borg queen and freiza from dbs is exactly how the lunar boss plans to escape with his moon.(i guess dead space 3 broken moonship is too damaged to sail on its own and needs a big push in order to reach its next destination. Similar broken moonship intel we have in maze runner 3).

In the beginning they had earth looking like jupiter and as it was exploding they changed its color to blue to give away it's earth and that foggy jupiter planet like in jupiter ascending symbolizes hidden in fog earth!

Hahaha in the end lunar boss is shown with one arm like sekiro and dolores from westworld in a gilded cage and the whole universe to be after him for being a traitor like judas, ephialtes, albino dragon from dark souls etc and the one who betrayed earth to get conquered by the lunar scum(chinese lunar race i suspect). He most likely told them when earth was defenseless and like ephialtes revealed to them the 2nd hidden gate of earth so they safely land here like in altered carbon 2!

Earth was betrayed not conquered and traitor step brother loki/lunar boss has a big bounty on his head according to this movie. The golden prison he is trapped at the end symbolizes full with gold cave earth or moon as i suspect most of earth's gold is now in the moon and the lunar boss at the center of it like here waiting for earth to explode so he sails away.

Worth reminding this movie took place in the year 3000 and was released in 2000. Earth blew up in the year 3000 and lunar boss escaped with all earth's gold. I have decoded in a recent thread the year 3000 could be the 2033 year in our calendar and have posted a good analysis why this may be.

Just came across the poster of this movie.
Earth looks like a pyramid and has a shape closer to a cube which means it's a prison.
Plato had described earth to have cube shape by the way.


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