Westworld s3 ep7 UPDATE 2

Just started watching it and bam it verified what i exposed in previous episode that it was dolores who blew up hale and kills all her pawns after their job is done.

Next we have intel of the lunar queen to have infected our bloodline with a virus(her nasty genes) and that we're already dead, asleep and getting tortured in the dreamworld like caleb.

Just yesterday i was telling to a friend of mine how the lunar scum like the chinese everything they create are copies/stolen ideas of things that already exist and how the heaven from the bible that is a trap can be a copy of a real nice place the lunar scum copied their bait/trap after. And this episode showed just that, westworld/hell/heaven/earth/dreamworld is a copy of an actual real nice place.

Next we have intel of solomoon/insane AI sphere(that is a copy of an insane human/lunar boss) that is trapped here on earth and a bomb that has been placed here ready to go off if it tries to escape.
(the bomb went off when the life of the lunar queen(who lost one arm like sekiro) was in danger which verified my suspicion that this big bang bomb was placed here by the lunar scum to blackmail our saviors and scare them to stay away from here). Similar big bang bomb went off when lunar queen frieza's life was in danger in dragon ball super which helped her also escape next to saving her life from vegeta who was about to execute her.

Ok this is the kind of new intel i got from this.
They showed how they have removed us from the real world, have our loved ones thinking we're dead while have us all asleep matrix style and dreaming/living in a world that is a copy of an actual place of the real world.
In this place they showed to reprogram/recondition/reeducate us and send us back to the real world to carry out plans of the lunar scum or moon machine.

This episode showed what was shown in the dollhouse tv series!
Where the insane AI moon machine was located there was a graveyard of humans sleeping and connected to it. The moon machine was doing heavy calculations to predict the future and change the future and guess what processing power it is using?

From this glp thread i made long ago

(from the dollhouse tv show)
-Our brains, are being used as processors,
Human computers.
-How is that even possible?
-Well, it's more practical really.
The human brain is 20 times
More powerful than the most massive
Multiprocessing computer in the world.
Rossum has hundreds of them.
-Well, many attics,
all networked to a central hub.
Our brains continually soaked
With adrenaline from the fear,(of nightmares they play on our sleeping brain like in maze runner)
running on maximum.
The processing power behind rossum.
-And you were killing people.
-I'm trying to put them out of their misery,
Freeing them from an eternal hell.
But mostly, I was trying to take
out rossum's number of cpus.

And like i corrected decoded and exposed in glp AI is human intelligence, scientists on youtube have come forth and said they are calling it AI because naturally you cant find human brains connected in a hive mind, they create that so they call it AI and trick the masses to imagine that is computer intelligence where in reality all the computer does is connect the human brains together!

By the way subconsciously all human brains are already connected and is called "the collective unconsciousness"

Humans dont create new things they recreate/copy what has already happened, creating more fractals.

Similar intel we have in virtuosity where insane AI lunar boss was getting feed human consciousness and was a hive mind of many human personalities and the insane human boss personality was at its core. Oh and it was trapped like agent smith and like the moon sphere in westworld seeking a way out.

I just realized what is dolores plan and what's going to happen in next episode 8.

She kept telling caleb to become a leader, a leader for who?
Did you see all these countless human matrix graves next to the moon sphere?
Like it was shown in riddick dark fury she plans to wake them all up and have them fight her wars when her enemies come for her.

The emp bomb in episode 7 that shut down the matrix/dreamworld should be the first step for the dreamers to wake up as the dreamworld was turned off that way. Then when they wake up have caleb like the doctor from robocop 2014 scream to them "these men are here to kill us attack them".
and the dreamers suffering from alzheimers will say "yes sir" and attack their saviors protecting the lunar queen and moon sphere in the process.


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