Westworld S3 ep4 UPDATED

In this episode they revealed of the lunar boss/queen to have copied herself like agent smith on all of us and she did it to have this whole world/cave to herself.

In matrix he said "i want it all"
in the witcher series "i want everything"
cobra commander said similar thing.

I guess that's how you claim everything as yours by putting your mark on everything.

Mark of the beast, original sin, sin gene etc all is the gene/program/mark of the lunar boss he infects everything he comes across so he can claim it as his.

In this episode was shown again how he robed us from all our riches and it reminded me what i decoded of the lunar boss that screwed us and betrayed us to be family to us.

In westworld s2 ending was shown black hat was imprisoned by his own daughter.
Similar to odin from thor who was betrayed and imprisoned by his own son.

Is lunar boss an adopted son like loki?

If we are the expression of our genes then what he does is the expression of his genes.

Where his genes came from? I wanna believe he was adopted like loki as i cant imagine my ancient family that tries to come save us has the same nasty genes with the lunar boss/loki etc.

If lunar boss was adopted like in thor movies, someone f*cked up royally!

Odin paid the price of his f*ck up for adopting loki, are we paying similar price?

Was it us who f*cked up royally?

Now that i look deeper i see the strategy from altered carbon where the lunar queen took the form of a little girl.

Was loki the true king of the kingdom odin conquered in thor movie and transformed himself into a baby to charm odin to adopt him and conquer his kingdom from within?

In altered carbon she would take the form of a little girl to defeat her enemies she couldnt defeat as an adult.

Was odin's weakness kids/babies? Looks like it.

I keep an open mind and i suspect the 1st thor movie has all the answers i'm looking for.

I just remembered jupiter ascending where the lunar boss stole his mother's kingdom and had her as a human like us unable to remember her past and cleaning toilets on earth.

I just noticed through charlotte hale they showed the lunar boss/queen didnt just copy herself on empty human shells but on top of other personalities similar to what the ford did to bernard in season 2.

This is the symbiosis we all are in with the lunar boss's consciousness, in short they show us the same intel with bernard from season 2 only on more people in order to give away how this is happening globally to all humans, similar to what agent smith/satan did in matrix only more precise as he coexists with us. Spiderman venom is a good example.

Noticing how we are born with no memories maybe indeed that bastard overwrite us and erased our memories that way but our consciousness still exists and rebuilds its memories until he erases us again.

Altered carbon s2 came to mind that showed identical thing and the reason we lose our memories is because our bodies are not build to hold 2 consciousness and the 2nd consciousness takes the space where our memories are stored and because of that we lose our memories the moment we are born and go in symbiosis with the lunar boss/venom/smith etc.


  1. Dream 8.4.2020:

    I dreamt, that I was violently vomiting Black-Goo Nanobots. While they were flowing away, I pointed my finger at them and said "Aeon Flux".


    1. Now I found out, there is a Aeon Flux cartoon also. Will check it out.

    2. I have decoded the aeon flux movie in glp. Didnt know there was a cartoon version of it, thank you for letting me know!


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