Rambo Last Blood

I just saw that movie and i was blown away to see devil/lunar boss symbolism on rambo.

In the bible the devil is a blacksmith like rambo in this movie. He's not our true father and we're in his house or in its underground tunnels like in this movie.

The pimp symbolizes also him who uses and abuses all of us here and the mark he gives us like in evil within video games and in the bible was shown also here. It was a V mark like in the reptilian V tv series and which V mark can be seen on the palm of our hands.

He has booby trap his entire territory like jigsaw in case someone comes looking for us and the plan to blow the whole place up when things go south for him was shown also here.

The intel from hades mythology how he doesnt like any of us running away/escape from him was shown also here.


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