From the star wars thread

"i just noticed the word pure in super and it reminded me the word super derives from the greek word uper which is an anagram of pure!

So that reinforces my research and decoding that when we purify ourselves from the sin gene we become supermen=pure men!"

In short superman=pureman and now i know how to become one or give birth to one.

But i personally choose to do nothing(i might regret that decision), i dont want to put my loved ones at risk as when the lunar scum cant hurt you they go after the things you love, i like knowing all, sit back and watch all fix itself as it always does(i hope).

Plus i'm lobotomized/stupid, we're all born that way and the best thing a stupid can do is nothing as when stupid we're doomed to do only do stupid things.

That's my excuse to anyone that might blame me for choosing to do nothing.

Plus cant be fooled killing my saviors in the possibility they truly exist when doing nothing.

It's a win win but it has its downsides too, doing nothing and waiting can take too long and forever if the enemy is counting on that.

I think in tron legacy the father that was betrayed by luc/lucifer had chosen patience and doing nothing too and his son was baffled unable to understand how you can accomplish something by doing nothing.

It turns out you can.

"Doing nothing is better than doing something stupid"
Frank Castle

Damn found the clip!
It's amazing how productive doing nothing can be!(i couldn't understand that when i first watched this movie)
The only way to win luc's/lucifer's game is to do nothing!

They show the sungate in this clip too(and it's identical to the lords of the rings! sun located on top of a tower) and how the lunar boss is planning to use us to get out and our best move is to do nothing!
That woman looks like she's spying on them on her reflection on the water and i have decoded her to symbolize the lunar queen too and in the end she got out!

Damn i need to watch that movie again!

"Clu wanted a new piece on the board"
It reminded me my unique experience where earth was shown as a board and us pawns on it.

In another hollywood movie was said
"you're a pawn on a board so big you cant see the edge"

How a pawn can kill the game?
By refusing to play/to do something!
By doing nothing!

"What's more imperfect than our world?"
Holy moly!
We live in the most corrupt, broken, contaminated/impure/mixed world/cave ever! 

"What's more mixed than our world?"

And i have decoded the foundation of evil is mixing!


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